Missing file

Posted by: maint on 4 June 2018, 8:25 pm EST

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    Posted 4 June 2018, 8:25 pm EST

    Please, we have a missing file in our configuration and it’s not part of the provided installation files.


    We have other languages but not that one (italian), and this is causing slow performance in the grid.

    Thank you,

    Flavia Napoli

  • Posted 5 June 2018, 5:22 pm EST


    In regards to the missing script file, it sounds like it is looking for Italian translation resources, which we don’t have.



  • Posted 13 June 2018, 12:51 am EST - Updated 30 September 2022, 2:53 am EST

    Hello Reeva,

    thanks for your quick replay.

    Really, we are having problems with every file. Even when we use the system in english, it says it’s missing. In fact, we have only 2 resources files in the folder (korean and cinese).

    We would like to know how to avoid the page keep searching for those files when not present. We tried to rename the other languages as .en or .it but didn’t work, and that causes seconds of delay during the page load that we want to avoid. Is there a way that we can create that file? How the spread is recognizing that file within the application?

    Please, see attached images.

    Thanks for your help,


  • Posted 13 June 2018, 10:13 pm EST

    Hello Flavia,

    It comes from the way Spread support localization for different culture. In this case, Spread register the resource file (js file) for it-IT culture that does not exist.

    Workaround for the same is:-

    1. You can provide a dummy (empty) resource file named SpreadResources.it-IT.js and place it at the spread fp_client folder that avoid exception warning in browser console window.

    the url will look like this:- fp_client/fpspread/11_0_0_0/htc/SpreadResources.it-IT.js

    1. To ensure default en-US, resource will be loaded correctly. You also need to add this script to the head tag on your web page:
    window.onload = function () {
    var spread = document.getElementById(“FpSpread1″);
    spread.setAttribute(“culture”, “en-US”); // Load default resource

    Hope it helps.



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