Cannot read property '_isCopying' of undefined

Posted by: productinfo on 14 August 2018, 10:48 pm EST

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    Posted 14 August 2018, 10:48 pm EST

    Subscriber.js:247 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_isCopying’ of undefined

    at e._gridItemsSourceChanged (wijmo.grid.sheet.js:13)

    at t.raise (wijmo.js:13)

    at t.onItemsSourceChanged (wijmo.grid.js:13)

    at t.set [as itemsSource] (wijmo.grid.js:13)

    at e.set [as itemsSource] (wijmo.grid.sheet.js:13)

    at ExampleSheetTemplateComponent.ngOnInit (example-sheet-template.component.ts:77)

    at checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline (core.js:12411)

    at checkAndUpdateNodeInline (core.js:13935)

    at checkAndUpdateNode (core.js:13878)

    at debugCheckAndUpdateNode (core.js:14771)

    const flexSheet = new wjSheet.FlexSheet('#flexSheet');
            flexSheet.allowSorting = false;
            flexSheet.showFilterIcons = false;
            flexSheet.filter.showFilterIcons = false;
            const sheet1 = new wjSheet.Sheet();
            const sheet2 = new wjSheet.Sheet();
            const sheet1Source = {};
            const sheet2Source = {};
   = this.translate.instant('materials');
   = this.translate.instant('barcodes');
            sheet1.columnCount = this.templateContext.materialArrayKey.length;
            sheet2.columnCount = this.templateContext.barcodeArrayKey.length;
            sheet1.rowCount = 13;
            sheet2.rowCount = 13;
            for (let i = 0; i < sheet1.grid.columns.length; i++) {
                sheet1.grid.columns[i].header = this.translate.instant(this.templateContext.materialArrayKey[i]);
                sheet1.grid.columns[i].binding = this.templateContext.materialArrayKey[i];
                sheet1Source[this.templateContext.materialArrayKey[i]] = this.exampleMaterial[i];
            for (let i = 0; i < sheet2.grid.columns.length; i++) {
                sheet2.grid.columns[i].width = "*";
                sheet2.grid.columns[i].header = this.translate.instant(this.templateContext.barcodeArrayKey[i]);
                sheet2.grid.columns[i].binding = this.templateContext.barcodeArrayKey[i];
                sheet2Source[this.templateContext.barcodeArrayKey[i]] = this.exampleBarcode[i];
            let items1 = new wjCore.CollectionView([sheet1Source]);
            let items2 = new wjCore.CollectionView([sheet2Source]);
            sheet1.itemsSource = items1;
            sheet2.itemsSource = items2;
            flexSheet.deferResizing = true;
  • Posted 15 August 2018, 10:15 pm EST


    We are sorry but we are unable to replicate the issue at our end.

    We created a sheet with the same code as in snippet provided and the sheet was working as expected. Please have a look at the sample and let us know if we are missing something to replicate the issue or provide a small sample to help in the further investigation:-

    Also please provide info about the framework, Wijmo build number, browser and OS you are getting the error on, so that we may test on a similar configuration.


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