Flexgrid control attribute not working in Template Literals?

Posted by: rbutler on 12 November 2018, 11:05 am EST

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    Posted 12 November 2018, 11:05 am EST


    noticing some challenges with Flexgrid when using as a Vue component with a template literal. Most pressing is this: the control attribute does not appear to get bound to the vue model if the flexgrid is inside a template literal. Please refer to the code below:

    In script file:

    Vue.component("test-grid-1", {
        template: `<wj-flex-grid control="testgrid1"></wj-flex-grid>`

    In HTML file:

    <wj-flex-grid control="testgrid2"></wj-flex-grid>
    <span>{{ typeof(testgrid1) == 'undefined' ? 'no test grid 1' : 'yes, test grid 1' }}</span>
    <span>{{ typeof(testgrid2) == 'undefined' ? 'no test grid 2' : 'yes, test grid 2' }}</span>

    When I run the above code, testgrid 2 is defined but testgrid 1 is not. Is there an additional or alternate step for binding testgrid 1?

  • Posted 12 November 2018, 5:20 pm EST


    Since control ‘testgrid1’ is defined in component ‘test-grid-1’, it can only be accessed by the instance of test-grid-1.

    Please refer to the following code snippet:



    export default {

    name: “App”,

    mounted: function() {


    “testgrid1 on testgrid”,

    this.$refs.testgrid.testgrid1 instanceof wijmo.grid.FlexGrid




    You may also refer to the following sample: https://codesandbox.io/s/l5y0qjyy9l


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