Format cell border

Posted by: grapecity on 3 November 2017, 4:31 am EST

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    Posted 3 November 2017, 4:31 am EST

    I have a flexGrid declared in my html file as:











    style=“height: 750px; max-height: 750px”>

                        (click)="setEventColor(flexProject, $event, item.ProjectID)">
                    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate
                      <div>{{ item.Code || '00' }} - {{ item.ProjectName }}</div>
                      <div style="color: #777777">{{ item.Superintendent }}</div>

    How do I change the border color when value of column “Difference” is less than 1, border color = green; when Difference >= 1; border color = red;

    I have tried to do it in formatItem() event and loadRows() event.

    In loadedRows() event, I can detect flex.columns.length but flex.rows.length is always 0. In formatItem() event, it only run on the first row and stop. Is there a way to declare cssClass inside html file or which event should I use to achieve this task? thank you very much.

  • Posted 5 November 2017, 6:07 pm EST

    Hi Hoang,

    Could you please share a sample depicting your issue since we are unable to replicate the issue at our end. We tried the following code and it gets worked correctly.

     <wj-flex-grid #flex
      <wj-flex-grid-column [binding]="'teamMemberID'">
        <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]="'Cell'" let-cell="cell">
          <button ion-button [style.background-color]="getSelectedColor(cell.item.teamMemberID)">Click</button>
      <wj-flex-grid-column [binding]="'businessUnitID'"></wj-flex-grid-column>

    LoadedRows should not be returned 0 and formatItem should run for all cells.


  • Posted 13 November 2017, 10:53 am EST

    Thank you Manish. It is working now.

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