Pasted cell is not proper working

Posted by: priya_mehta on 17 July 2018, 3:15 pm EST

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    Posted 17 July 2018, 3:15 pm EST

    As i attached in record, we are using a flexgrid

    in this am trying to copy a value form cell and paste

    but in cell the value is not show directly,if am double click it show

    I have implemented like this for pasted cell, but still its not working

            $scope.initialized = function (s) {            
                s.cellEditEnding.addHandler(function (s, e) {
                    setChanged(e.row, e.col);
                s.pastedCell.addHandler(function (s, e) {
                    setChanged(e.row, e.col);
                // utility to keep track of changed items
                var changes = [];
                function setChanged(r, c) {
                    if (!getChanged(r, c)) {
                            item: s.rows[r].dataItem,
                            prop: s.columns[c].binding,
                function getChanged(r, c) {
                    var cellEdit = false;
                    for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
                        var item = s.rows[r].dataItem;
                        var prop = s.columns[c].binding;
                        var ch = changes[i];
                        if (ch.item == item && ch.prop == prop) {
                            cellEdit = true;
                    return cellEdit;

  • Posted 17 July 2018, 11:03 pm EST


    Everything in the code-snippet provided looks fine however from the attached video it seems that you are using cell templates. There might be some issue with the templates, can you please share a code snippet of your templates implementation too


  • Posted 18 July 2018, 6:02 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 11:25 am EST

    ya sure

    here is the template that we use

                <wj-flex-grid-column header="{{'bmad.Assignments.Account' | translate }}"
                    <wj-flex-grid-cell-template cell-type="Cell">
                        <div class="truncate-text-flex" data-qe-id="bmad.account.tooltip - {{$item.sequenceNumber}}">
                            <small ng-style="$item.selectedAccount.accountNumber == null && {'color' : 'rgb(175, 175, 175)'}" data-qe-id="bmad.accountLabel - {{$item.sequenceNumber}}">{{($item.selectedAccount.accountNumber != null)? $item.selectedAccount.accountNumber + ' - ' + $item.selectedAccount.description : 'Start typing or choose from drop down list' }}</small>
                    <wj-flex-grid-cell-template cell-type="CellEdit">
                        <div bento-combobox
                             data-qe-id="bmad.accountinput - {{$item.sequenceNumber}}"
                             placeholder="{{'bmad.Assignments.PlaceHolder' | translate}}"
                             defer-load="true" bento-flex-grid-control>

    and if it is not clear i also add the snap shot

  • Posted 19 July 2018, 11:05 pm EST


    The problem here is the format of data along with binding specified and cell templates format.

    Allow me to explain:-

    The format of data is somewhat like:-

    accountNumber:'some value'

    The binding specified to column is ‘selectedAccount’ and cell template is {{$item.selectedAccount.accountNumber}}

    Now everything is fine until this point but when we paste something in the column, the pasted value goes on the specified binding. So the dataItem becomes:-

    selectedAccount:"pasted value"

    So now $item.selectedAccount.accountNumber does not exist anymore hence causing cell template to fail.

    To fix this you may use one of the two methods based on your requirement:-

    1). Handle pastingCell event and paste the data into the correct object.

    //Please refer to following code snippet

          if(e.panel!=s.cells || s.columns[e.col].binding!="selectedAccount"){
            let dataItem=s.rows[e.row].dataItem;
    //paste data at right object
    //prevent grid from pasting data

    2). Change column binding to ‘selectedAccount.accountNumber’, this will instruct the grid to paste data on selectedAccount.accountNumber.

    You may also refer to the following sample:-

    In the sample Templates1 columns implement the first method and Templates2 column implements the other. The second approach is the recommended way.


  • Posted 31 July 2018, 10:19 pm EST

    Not working for me

    when i copy and paste

    it pasted but value should not directly show

    it show only on double click of cell

  • Posted 1 August 2018, 11:18 pm EST


    We are sorry, we are unable to replicate the issue at our end with the latest build release 5.20182.500 after fixing the above-stated issue.

    Can you please have a look at the following sample and let us know what we are missing to replicate the issue or you may also send a small sample replicating the issue:-

    Also could you please let us know about build version and browser you are using so that we may try once with the same environment?


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