Wijmo Grid Filter by data which is not displayed in the grid

Posted by: b.nemeth.88 on 23 January 2018, 7:25 am EST

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    Posted 23 January 2018, 7:25 am EST

    I have a grid displaying 8 columns, let’s say it’s including “BoxSize” and “Active” besides other. On mobile, I implemented to display only 1 column which is a summary of the others. However I would add a picker selector to let the user select a column by name (like select Active), and would like to show the filter panel for this column.

    flexGridFilter.editColumnFilter let me open a filter “manually”, but only if the actual column does exist in the grid. However I do not display the columns, but I have all the data in the CollectionView behind.

    Is there a way to create a filter based on the collectionView data, show the filter on the way how it is displayed for an existing column and apply the filter configured by the user?


  • Posted 23 January 2018, 4:22 pm EST



    You need to include all the column in FlexGrid with an extra column. Show all the data as previous to this column and hide all other columns.

    Now, you may show the Filter dialog for desired column.

    Please refer to the following fiddle:



    You may show your own Filter dialog and filter data from CollectionView using filter method. Please refer to the following fiddle to show custom Filter dialog.



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