C1FlexGrid UTC DateTime to Local

Posted by: scadavantagesupport on 9 March 2018, 8:51 am EST

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    Posted 9 March 2018, 8:51 am EST


    I am using C1FlexGrid and I have a read-only data bound column that contains a UTC date time. I want to display that date time in local time. Do you have an example of a way to do that?

  • Posted 12 March 2018, 12:12 am EST


    Would it be possible for you to convert datetime to LocalTime using .ToLocalTime() method in the get accessor of the property itself(to which you are binding the datetime column) . This seems to work in attached sample application.

    Let me know, if I am missing anything here.


    Ruchir Agarwal


  • Posted 12 March 2018, 3:37 am EST

    No, that would not be ideal. I want to be able to have two columns, one showing UTC time the other showing local time. The object I am dealing with is a database entity and only has one timestamp field. I cannot modify the source object. My only other option would be to write a wrapper but that is a lot of overhead I was hoping to avoid.

  • Posted 13 March 2018, 12:11 am EST


    In that case, you may create a Class inheriting from CellFactory and override its CreateCellContent method and translate the value there, as follows:```

    public class MyCellFactory : CellFactory


    public override void CreateCellContent(C1FlexGrid grid, System.Windows.Controls.Border bdr, CellRange rng)


    if(grid.Columns[rng.Column].ColumnName == “LocalTime”)


    var date = Convert.ToDateTime(grid.Cells[rng.Row, rng.Column]).ToLocalTime();

    TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();

    tb.Text = date.ToString();

    bdr.Child = tb;




    base.CreateCellContent(grid, bdr, rng);



    public override void DisposeCell(C1.WPF.FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid grid, C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CellType cellType, System.Windows.FrameworkElement cell)


    Border bdr = (Border)cell;

    bdr.Child = null;



    I have modified attached sample application, implementing the above, for your reference.
    Let me know, if you have any issues.
    Ruchir Agarwal
    [zip filename="C1FlexGrid_LocalTimeCellFactory.zip"]public\uploads\cfa478abb6df64feacd923999508d55c1520946666451.zip[/zip]
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