Expand all in WebViewer

Posted by: jonathan.brower on 12 April 2023, 6:55 am EST

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    Posted 12 April 2023, 6:55 am EST

    My report has several drill down options on it. Is there any way to programmatically expand all of the options at once?

  • Posted 13 April 2023, 4:27 pm EST

    Hi Jonathan,

    Unfortunately, there’s no direct way to programmatically expand all of the options/rows at once. However, you can introduce a parameter for example “ExpandAll” and use this parameter as an expression within your drill-down row’s ‘Visibility.Hidden’ property.

    To expand all rows programmatically set the parameter value to ‘true’ through code, or false if you want to collapse all rows. After which load the ‘report.Document’ in the viewer to update the preview.

    Refer to the following code:

    PageReport report = new PageReport(new System.IO.FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + @"\..\..\DrillDownReport.rdlx"));
    // Update the below value to expand or collapse all the drill-down rows at once.
    report.Document.Parameters["ExpandAll"].CurrentValue = true;

    Please find attached a sample implementing the same.




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