MeasureParagraphHeight does not work in ActiveReports v15.2.1

Posted by: dpet on 2 December 2021, 1:10 am EST

  • Posted 2 December 2021, 1:10 am EST


    We have a code which had been working for a long time before we upgraded to v15.2.1 from v10 and the MeasureParagraphHeight(string strText, float width, Font textFont,StringFormat strFormat) method started returning SizeF with values (Height = 0, Width = 0) for some reason. The simplified code snippet:

    		private static RectangleF ResizeRectangle(Page curPage, TextBox textBox, string text, RectangleF rect)
    	        var page = (Page)curPage.Clone();
                SizeF sizeText;
    			if (textBox.CanGrow)
    				sizeText = page.MeasureParagraphHeight(text, rect.Width, textBox.Font, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
    				if (sizeText.Height > rect.Height)
    					rect.Height = sizeText.Height;
                return rect;

    P.S. This code is executed while Format event.

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