Server Side Pagination

Posted by: rak on 11 May 2021, 1:01 am EST

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    Posted 11 May 2021, 1:01 am EST

    Is there a way to implement server side pagination for the activereportsjs as well. If I have over million records then it doesn’t make sense to load all the data to active reports at once. Hence we have to implement pagination on server side and limit data sent to the report.

    Is there any built in functionality to implement pagination from activereportsjs?

    If pagination is available then how to handle export functionalities with pagination as well?

  • Posted 11 May 2021, 8:40 pm EST

    ActiveReportsJS does not offer any pagination implementation. If the server-side API provides pagination API, you could just bind a report to that API specifying page number and page size.

  • Posted 12 May 2021, 9:13 am EST

    Hi to achieve binding of reports should I implement as a drill through report. For example user asks for 10 records, at the end of the report should I add a button and clicking on that sub report with next 10 items open up?

  • Posted 16 May 2021, 9:18 pm EST

    Yes, it could be implemented the way you described. A report could have a “show more records” link that opens the drill-through report that is bound to the next portion of the data

  • Posted 17 May 2021, 7:36 am EST

    Thank you very much for the answer. I had one more question, is there anyway to show dynamic report with dynamic page size. For example, if user selects show 50 records, can I show all records in single report page with scrollbar?

  • Posted 17 May 2021, 8:19 pm EST

    You can use the Galley mode of viewer component. It could be activated by clicking the last button on the toolbar:

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