Double sided printing with new record always on face page

Posted by: richard.austin on 4 August 2020, 1:08 am EST

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    Posted 4 August 2020, 1:08 am EST


    I’m using AR v8 and I need a method of printing recipes double sided where the first page of every recipe must be the facing side. For example, recipe 1 is one page long so recipe 2 must skip the back side of the sheet and start on the next front side of a sheet.

    It’s a Section Report. I’ve tried checking the page count and having a page break control but it simply is not working. Any sort of working example, language doesn’t matter, would be great.

  • Posted 4 August 2020, 6:52 pm EST


    Can you share your report template with sample db so that I can able to find the solution according to your report layout.

    This will be very help for us.

    Also, please note that AR8 is a legacy product now. It is out of maintenance mode now. Hence, we do not provide support for the same or no bug fixing will be done in the same. I would recommend you use the latest version of ActiveReports i.e ActiveReports 14. Please refer to the following link for more information:



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