.NET Core PdfPage Save As Image Using Streams Fails

Posted by: andy.baker on 6 March 2020, 8:20 am EST

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    Posted 6 March 2020, 8:20 am EST

    I have a Web API that accepts uploaded files where I need to rasterize each page. I need to keep the images as byte arrays as I cannot write these files to disk (if I could this wouldn’t be an issue). I’ve tried the different image types Bmp, Jpeg, etc… without success.

    foreach (var pdfPage in pdfDocument.Pages)
                        Stream s = new MemoryStream();
                        Byte[] pageBytes = new byte[s.Length];
                        s.Read(pageBytes, 0, (int)s.Length);
                        // This fails
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\TEMP\\BadPage " + (pdfPage.Index + 1).ToString() + ".png", pageBytes);
                        // This works
                        pdfPage.SaveAsPng("C:\\TEMP\\GoodPage " + (pdfPage.Index + 1).ToString() + ".png");

    When using the PdfPage.SaveAsPng() it saves the image to disk exactly as it should.

    When using the PdfPage.SaveAsPng() overload it seems the image is corrupt and I can never render it.

  • Posted 8 March 2020, 10:35 pm EST


    Required a slightly different approach to the code, but here is what worked.

    foreach (var pdfPage in pdfDocument.Pages)
    	MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream();
    	// This was the new approach that loaded the array correctly
            Byte[] pageBytes = s.ToArray();
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