Help with converting code for C1TrueDBGrid for a FlexGrid in my ASP.NET MVC App

Posted by: Victor.m.charles.civ on 7 September 2019, 10:27 am EST

  • Posted 7 September 2019, 10:27 am EST


    I’m using the code below to highlight rows (Green and white) in C1AOP5 and C1AOP40T where both Grids have identical data in their NSN columns. How do I modify the code to achieve the same in two FlexGrids?

    Private Sub C1AOP5_FetchCellStyle(sender As Object, e As C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.FetchCellStyleEventArgs) Handles C1AOP5.FetchCellStyle

    'Highlight columns with textbox value

    If apply = True Then

    If C1AOP5(e.Row, e.Col) = FormGlobalMain.TextBox1.Text Then

    e.CellStyle.BackColor = C1AOP5.HighLightRowStyle.BackColor

    e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White

    End If

    End If

    If RadioButton4.Checked And ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0 Then

    If e.Col <> 0 Then

    If e.Row <> 0 Then

    For i As Integer = 0 To e.Row - 1

    If C1AOP5(e.Row, 0) = C1AOP5(i, 0) Then

    If C1AOP5(e.Row, e.Col) = C1AOP5(i, e.Col) Then

    e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.Green

    e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White

    End If

    End If


    End If

    If e.Row <> C1AOP5.Splits(0).Rows.Count - 1 Then

    For i As Integer = e.Row + 1 To C1AOP5.Splits(0).Rows.Count - 1

    If C1AOP5(e.Row, 0) = C1AOP5(i, 0) Then

    If C1AOP5(e.Row, e.Col) = C1AOP5(i, e.Col) Then

    e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.Green

    e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White

    End If

    End If


    End If

    End If

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub C1AOP5_FetchRowStyle(sender As Object, e As C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyleEventArgs) Handles C1AOP5.FetchRowStyle

            Dim checkCols As String = yx
            If checkCols.Count > 0 Then
                Dim tempRow = C1AOP5.FocusedSplit.Rows.OfType(Of C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.BaseGrid.ViewRow).ToList()
                Dim flag As Boolean = False
                Dim origItem As String = ""
                For Each item As String In checkCols.Split(","c)
                    origItem = origItem + C1AOP5(e.Row, item.Trim("'"c)).ToString()
                For j As Integer = 0 To tempRow.Count - 1
                    Dim tempItem As String = ""
                    For Each item As String In checkCols.Split(","c)
                        tempItem = tempItem + C1AOP5(j, item.Trim("'"c)).ToString()
                    If Not flag AndAlso e.Row <> j Then
                        If origItem = tempItem Then
                            flag = True
                        End If
                    End If
                If flag Then
                    e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkGreen
                    e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White
                End If
            End If
            ccc = 1
            Exit Sub
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub C1AOP5_SelChange(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs) Handles C1AOP5.SelChange


    For Each row In Me.C1AOP5.SelectedRows




    For i As Integer = 0 To C1AOP40T.Splits(0).Rows.Count - 1

    If s.Contains(C1AOP40T.Columns(“NSN”).CellText(i)) Then


    End If

    If s.Count = 0 Then


    End If


    e.Cancel = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub C1AOP40T_FetchRowStyle(sender As Object, e As FetchRowStyleEventArgs) Handles C1AOP40T.FetchRowStyle


    Dim checkCols As String = yx

            If checkCols.Count > 0 Then
                Dim tempRow = C1AOP40T.FocusedSplit.Rows.OfType(Of C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.BaseGrid.ViewRow).ToList()
                Dim flag As Boolean = False
                Dim origItem As String = ""
                For Each item As String In checkCols.Split(","c)
                    origItem = origItem + C1AOP40T(e.Row, item.Trim("'"c)).ToString()
                For j As Integer = 0 To tempRow.Count - 1
                    Dim tempItem As String = ""
                    For Each item As String In checkCols.Split(","c)
                        tempItem = tempItem + C1AOP40T(j, item.Trim("'"c)).ToString()
                    If Not flag AndAlso e.Row <> j Then
                        If origItem = tempItem Then
                            flag = True
                        End If
                    End If
                If flag Then
                    e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkGreen
                    e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White
                End If
            End If
            ccc = 1
            Exit Sub
        End Try
  • Posted 8 September 2019, 10:20 pm EST

    Hi Victor,

    In MVC FlexGrid, there is formatItem event which can be used to style the cells based on some condition check.

    Please refer to the following demo sample for reference:

    Hope it helps!


    Manish Gupta

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