New Studio for Silverlight drop available (version 3.0.20092.67)

Posted by: c1_leov on 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Thanks for your patience and support. It has been really hard work, we dealed with SL3 pre-release bits for a while but I guess it finally worth the effort.

    It's a big release:

    New C1Scheduler control

    C1DataGrid scroll speed improved A LOT

    (hey, we don't need to hide the scroll behavior with the deferred scroll feature :wink: )

    C1DataGrid now support custom rows (i.e. FilterRow )

    C1DataGrid added support for RIA Services July 2009 Preview.

    New C1MediaPlayer control

    Improved theming support (speed, architecture, etc).

    New C1Reflector and improved C1CoverFlow using SL3 3D support

    New extended charting assemblies, for advanced scenarios.

    And more… (like commanding framework, etc)

    You can preview the suite in our faster & totally-on-demand control explorer:

    And you can find the bits here:

    Do you want the details?

    Release version 3.0.20092.67 - July 15, 2009


    Breaking Changes:

    Version entirely made for Silverlight 3 RTW.


    All the assemblies added deployment configuration files (.extmap.xml) to

    enable Assembly Cache scenarios.

    All the assemblies added design time assemblies for Blend and Visual Studio, supporting:

    Icons, categorization of each class and property descriptions.


    Breaking changes

    C1UniformGrid now behaves identically to the WPF UniformGrid.

    (it doesn't honors Grid.Row and Grid.Column attached properties, and automatically allocates the children)

    C1DragDropManager now only scrolls ScrollViewers that are Hitable. Consider setting Background=“Transparent” on ScrollViewers that contain drag targets.

    C1ContextMenu template was updated, now it requires a Popup as “root” template part, the rest of the template remains the same.

    C1Contextmenu doesn't work when declared as a resource anymore.

    C1contextMenuService doesn't work when the associated C1ContextMenu is declared as a resource:

    Before (doesn't work anymore)





    <c1:C1ContextMenu ItemClick=“contextMenu_ItemClick”>

    <c1:C1MenuItem Header=“Add”>

    <c1:C1MenuItem Header=“New Item”/>

    <c1:C1MenuItem Header=“Existing Item”/>

    <c1:C1MenuItem Header=“Folder”/>




    Bug fixes

    C1DragDropManager no longer scrolls the wrong ScrollViewer. Other bug fixes.


    C1DragDropManager now supports grabbing source near the border.

    C1DragDropManager is now more responsive and consumes less CPU when dragging.

    Added C1LayoutTransformer control, analogous to the Silverlight Toolkit one.

    Added C1Commanding framework, analogous to the WPF one.

    C1ComboBox removed some ugly workarounds to SL2 bugs.


    Bug fixes

    Fixed several problems with automatic axis limits in stacked charts.


    Introduced trendlines and function plotting(C1.Silverlight.Chart.Extended.dll).

    Introduced chart editor(C1.Silverlight.Chart.Editor.dll).

    Axis.Title now has object type which allow to use string value as well as

    instance of UIElement.

    Improved handling of data point tootips.


    Bug Fixes

    Current version honors msdata:DataType attribute at reading and writes it

    back at writing.

    DataTable now attemps to convert column values when assigned, ONLY if the

    value is convertible (implements IConvertible).


    Breaking changes

    LoadedRow event renamed to LoadedRowPresenter.

    UnloadedRow event renamed to UnloadedRowPresenter.

    LoadingRowDetails and UnloadingRowDetails events removed.

    RowDetailsVisibilityChanged event renamed to LoadedRowDetailsPresenter.

    RowDetailsVisibilityChanged event added.

    BeginEdit method parameter type changed from KeyEventArgs to RoutedEventArgs.

    DataGridRowScrollMode enum removed.

    DataGridRow.ScrollMode property removed.

    DataGridBaseRowPresenter type removed.

    DataGridRow.Presenter property type changed from DataGridBaseRowPresenter to DataGridRowPresenter

    DataGridRowHeader type renamed to DataGridRowHeaderPresenter

    DataGridColumnHeader type renamed to DataGridColumnHeaderPresenter

    DataGridRow.HeaderPresenter property type changed from DataGridRowHeader to DataGridRowHeaderPresenter

    DataGridColumn.HeaderPresenter property type changed from DataGridColumnHeader to DataGridColumnHeaderPresenter

    In the method DataGridColumn.PrepareCellForEdit the parameter editingEventArgs was removed.

    In the method DataGridColumn.BeginEdit the parameter routedEventArgs type changed from KeyEventArgs to RoutedEventArgs.

    DataGridBeganEditEventArgs.Cancel property was removed.

    DataGridColumn made public several internal protected methods: GetCellEditingContent, PrepareCellForEdit, CancelCellEdit,

    BeginEdit and GetFilter. These method can be used to create more advanced columns, like a CompositeColum

    (see CustomColumns folder of the C1DataGrid_Demo2008 sample)


    Recycling Rows feature added.

    Custom Rows feature added.

    DataGridRow overridable methods and properties added.
















    CreatingRow event added.

    DataGridCheckBoxColumn now support direct editing with the first click.

    DataGridCell.DataGrid property added.

    DataGridCell.IsEditable and DataGridRow.IsEditable properties added.

    DataGridRowCollection.TopRows and BottomRows properties added to allow add custom rows.

    DataGridColumn.FilterStateChanged and GroupStateChanged now are public.

    DataGridDetailsPresenter.RowPresenter and DataGridCellsPanel.RowPresenter properties added.



    C1CoverFlow now supports any content.

    C1PropertyGrid now supports property sorting through the “PropertySort” property.

    C1PropertyGrid now supports a default category, it's name can be set through the

    “DefaultCategoryName” property.

    New controls



    Breaking changes

    C1ImageRotator was removed. Use C1.Silverlight.Extended.C1Reflector and SL's builtin Projections instead:






    New C1GifImage.ImageFailed event


    Bug Fixes

    ArgumentException is not thrown when C1VectorLayer.ItemsSource is set to a

    collection of unsupported objects(not C1VectorItemBase). The exception is

    undesirable when setting ItemsSource before ItemTemplate.


    Virtual earth tile sources now work when using SSL.

    DataContext of C1VectorPlacemark.Label is set to the DataContext of parent

    C1VectorPlacemark object.

    The C1VectorPlacemark.Background is used as label background when

    C1VectorPlacemark.Label is a string value. Previously label was rendered without




    MediaPlayer added to the suite.



    New C1List.MarkerImage property.

    New C1TextElement.TextEffect property.

    New properties to control scrollbars



    Fixed some issues with ansi characters



    New C1RichTextBoxToolbar.FontFamilies property

    New C1RichTextBoxToolbar.FontSizes property

    C1RichTextBoxToolbar.RichTextBox is now a dependency property.

    This enables binding it using XAML:

    <toolbar:C1RichTextBoxToolbar RichTextBox=“{Binding ElementName=RTB}” />

    <rtb:C1RichTextBox Name=“RTB” />


    commanding framework (included into C1.Silverlight assembly) - implements the same

    Silverlight version doesn't include port of C1MonthCalendar, C1MultiMonthCalendar, C1DateTimePicker and

    C1TimeSpanPicker controls.

    C1.Silverlight.DateTimeEditors.C1DateTimePicker and C1.Silverlight.DateTimeEditors.C1TimeEditor controls

    are used in embedded dialogs.

    Silverlight version doesn't play custom reminder sounds. If Appointment.ReminderOverrideDefault is false

    and default ShowRemindersTemplate is used, C1Scheduler will play default embedded sound.

    To play custom sound, set Appointment.ReminderOverrideDefault to true (in such case default sound won't be played),

    subscribe to C1Scheduler.ReminderFire event and play sound in your application when this event is fired.

    Binary serialization is not supported.

    C1Scheduler doesn't execute custom appointment actions. Use C1Scheduler.AppointmentCustomAction event to

    track and handle events from your code.

    all embedded dialogs have been implemented as custom controls (in WPF version every dialog is a xaml-defined DataTemplate).

    Office 2003 styles and templates won't be implemented in Silverlight version.

    Current version limitations:

    there is no theme support yet.

    there is no globalization support yet.

    Compatibility with C1.WPF.Schedule

    there is no C1SchedulerScrollBar class. It is replaced by C1Scheduler template part PART_C1SchedulerScrollBar.

    If PART_C1SchedulerScrollBar is found in a control template, C1Scheduler will handle scrollbar events.

    Silverlight version uses several WPF-compatibility controls and classes:


    Bug Fixes

    ShowSuggestionsMenu now return focus to the calling control when it's done.


    Braking changes

    Merged Controls.Theming and C1.Silverlight.Themes into C1.Silverlight.Theming

    Passed each specific Theme to its own dll (i.e. C1.Silverlight.Theming.ExpressionDark)

    the MS part of the theme is included in our dll, so you only need to add a reference

    to our dll to use the full theme.

    Removed some C1Theme constructors.


    All the themes are analyzed before calling the ImplicitStyleManager, and styles for

    controls not present in the AppDomain are not loaded, avoiding the repeated XamlParseException

    and making the loading process faster.



    All the samples have been reorganized into folders.

    The samples showing specific control's features, can be found in the folder

    corresponding to the assembly where they live.

    i.e. The C1.Silverlight.Extended contains samples for C1Book, C1CoverFlow, etc.

    More complex samples, showing industry-specific applications, usually involve

    several controls and can be found in the Samples root.

    i.e. SilverTunes, AmazonStore, etc.

    ControlExplorer was improved a lot, and is now using the new Assembly Cache

    available in Silverlight 3. This sample also uses on-demand xap & zip loading.

    SilverTunes sample is now using the revamped C1CoverFlow control and the new

    C1MediaPlayer control. It also added functionality to play the music you have

    in your own computer.

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    There are some missing references in the samples C1DataGrid_Localization and C1DataGrid_SaveState.

    I've attached the fixed samples to this post.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.



    2009/07/220086_C1DataGrid_Localization and
  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Let me be the first to congrats the team. I almost spilled coffee on me when I saw some of these new items. Now time to read the detail.

    Leo, Alex, Max, Bruno, Alvaro and the rest of the team, THANK YOU! Oh, my good friend Bernardo too :slight_smile:

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Leo, there is a problem with your post, where most of the lines that were long, are not wrapped and can not be seen. I just took onc sentence, brought it to notepad and I see on each line several words are being cutoff. Can you fix your post please?

    I tested it in Chrome, IE and FF3 and all show same problem.


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    a) Leo, does your Mask Edit control support RIA Services Like Validation and error prompt, the way MS Text Box does? Can we use it in Data Form just like TextBox control?

    b) I noticed the Image magnifier is jummpy in FF3 and Chrome but smooth in IE8. In the first two, when moved, it consumes lots of CPU cycles. Just an observations.

    c) [I have not installed the bits yet, just going through Explorer] Is there a sample showing how we can use CoverFlow, with data coming from RIA Services, and how we should format each item? And do we basically figure out how many objects we have before creating that many Items in CF? Also we need to be able to fire an event when the top most item is clicked.

    d) Same question for the Book. I would like get some guielines how we can populate data records on each Book page. Do we create the pages at runtime on client side and then fill each with objects?

    e) Does the cube uses the new 3D perspective for moving? if not, is there any plan to improve it's movement and the way the lines get jagged at rotation?

    f) The scheduler looks very solid

    g) Regarding the version number (3.0.20092.67) Does:

    3.0 Mean Silverlight 3?

    20092 mean it's C1 version 2 for year 2009?

    67 mean? built 67?

    So is this now called V2 or V3? Just to clarify when we are referring to this or future updates.


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Hi Ben,

    a) I will try to compile a sample with SL3 validation and our controls.

    b) I will review it, but it's strange, Silverlight should be browser agnostic. If something is wrong there, it should be a Silverlight bug, not something we can do in our side.

    c) The CoverFlow is an ItemsControl, you can fill it with any data source, as you do with any other ItemsControl. I suggest you to take a look to the SilverTunes sample soure code.

    d) Same answer than c. The controls are independent of where you take the data from.

    e) No, the C1Cube doesn't use real 3D yet. This updgrade to SL3 is queued in our todo list. I guess we have more important stuff to do before that.

    f) Thanks. There are still some missing features but I am sure it will be complete for V3.

    g) The version is 3.0.20092.67 where:

    - 3.0 is the Silverlight version

    - 20092 is the second year release. The company has three official releases a year for all its products (V1 in March, V2 in July and V3 in November). We had released a little more often than that becuase we were a new suite over a new platform, but we are ending the transition phase now.

    - 67 is an incremental release number that is useful internally.

    So, we are in V2 right now. V3 is in November.


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Just a quick question in Version #. So, when 2010 comes, does your version # starts from 1 again or does it continue with # 4?

    I think if starts with #1 again, new customers may not realize that there were 3 major releases in 2009 and may think this is a new product (not mature enough) if it it starts with version 1 as of the next year. It might be better to continue with the numbers. Just a thought!

    As far as the magnify glass, I remember SL2 RT did not show issues with other browsers, but SL3 RT shows this problem. It only does that when moving the magnifier. Do you see that problem in Chrome and FF3 too?

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Hi Ben,

    I don't undestand your point, really. V1/2010 will probably be something like 3.0.20101.XX. Why is it important for you? They are just assembly version numbers.


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Hi Leo;

    I'm sorry if I didn't make my point clear. Personally, I don't care about the version # and my question wasn't about the importance of version # for me.

    What I was trying to say, to eliminate any future confusion for new customers in year 2010 when they see it says C1 Silverlight Version 1. To someone new, that might interpret this is the first version of C1 components v.s. if it was version 4, it would sound much more mature. That's all I was trying to say. Don't get defensive! :-)
  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Hi Ben,

    No problem, I didn't want to be defensive. I just didn't understand the point.

    I guess the error is mine instead, I call them just v1/v2. Everyone else in the company uses the full year + version number (V2/09), that I guess is the most appropiate. But you have a point there, they are not product versions, but release cycles.


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    [quote user="C1_AlvaroR"]

    There are some missing references in the samples C1DataGrid_Localization and C1DataGrid_SaveState.


    Hi, Alvaro!

    I've found another " missing references" in:

    C1DataGrid_Astoria2008.sln, C1DataGrid_CollectionViewAdapter2008.sln, C1DataGrid_Localization2008.sln - (fixed in your attach), C1DataGrid_RelatedComboColumns2008.sln, C1DataGrid_SaveState2008.sln - (fixed in your attach), C1DataGrid_WS2008.sln, C1Extended_Demo2008.sln, C1Imaging_Demo2008.sln, C1RichTextBox_Localization2008.sln, C1Scheduler_DefaultViews2008.sln, C1_Demo2008.sln, C1_MDSL2008.sln, ChartExtended2008.sln, ChartSamples2008.sln, CustomThemes2008.sln, GaugeSamples2008.sln, MapsSamples2008.sln, MasterDetail.sln, MediaPlayerSamples2008.sln, PdfExport2008.sln, RichTextBoxSamples2008.sln, SpellCheckerSample2008.sln, SyntaxHighlight2008.sln, Themes2008.sln.

    It's easy to fix them 'by hands', but I hope this info will be usefull.

    Regards, Al

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    Where is the EditableCheckBox class gone?

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    We had created the EditableCheckBox and ReadOnlyCheckBox to improve the performance of the data grid, but currently aren't necessary. So you should use the ms checkbox instead.



  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    The first character typed into the data grid when in non edit mode is always converted to lower case, do you guys plan to fix this, as my hack has stoped working sine the upgrade. This bug also occurs in your demos.

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    I am using Standard English NZ, with a standard 101 0 102 keybaord layout.

    To replicate this error in the demo C1DataGrid_Demo,

    1. load it up in ie7

    2. put the caps lock on

    3. click ( once) the first cell in the product number column ( leaving the cell in non edit mode)

    4. type the letters "AA"

    The letters "AA" should appear but "aA" appears.

    Thnaks Nick

    If you put the caps lock on, and move the focus to a grid cell without putting it into EDIT MODE the

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    Sorry, but we couldn't find the issue, it's working fine here. It is likely to be the keyboard, What keyboard language are you using?



  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST

    Where is the C1FilePicker picker gone to?

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    Sorry about that I thought it was missing after the upgrade, but i had missed a reference, latter realizing it was there, I thought maybe you had a name change or something.

    Thanks Nick

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    [quote user="nickjohngray"]

    Where is the C1FilePicker picker gone to?


    Is in the C1.Silverlight.dll, Always was there.



  • Posted 7 August 2017, 6:44 am EST


    [quote user="nickjohngray"]

    I am using Standard English NZ, with a standard 101 0 102 keyboard layout.

    To replicate this error in the demo C1DataGrid_Demo,

    1. load it up in ie7

    2. put the caps lock on

    3. click ( once) the first cell in the product number column ( leaving the cell in non edit mode)

    4. type the letters "AA"

    The letters "AA" should appear but "aA" appears.


    The difference is that the first "A" is handled by the data grid and the second is handled by the textbox, When the first "A" is pressed the textbox doesn't exist and the data grid tries to convert the Key to a string and assign it to the textbox.Text, but unfortunately silverlight doesn't provide a way to ask for the "Caps Lock", only the textbox knows that.

    If you want you could check it handling the KeyPress of any control, you will see that the KeyEventArg doesn't provide the string representation of the pressed key.

    Sorry for the inconveniences.



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