Get "real" column header

Posted by: iteam on 10 July 2019, 7:25 pm EST

  • Posted 10 July 2019, 7:25 pm EST


    I’m trying to get from a cell his real header, to be able to make formulas relative to a cell.

    I need, on workbook initialize, to recognize a cell and create into it a formula that sums everything above it.

    The problem is the following:

         <!-- colonna statica per il nome della riga -->
         <gc-column [headerText]="'Dimensione'"

    As you can see, column have a cutom header text.

    When I do something like this… :

    tempSheet.getSheet().getValue(i, 0, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader)

    … the value that I get is “Dimensione”, but I nead the column reference instead header name to make a formula from this cell to every cell above.

    Infact this will not work:

    tempSheet.getSheet().setFormula(0, j, 'SUM(Dimensione1+Dimensione2)');

    Instead of something like this:

    tempSheet.getSheet().setFormula(0, j, 'SUM(A1+A2)');

    I need to get the “A” that reference the column!

    Thanks in advance

  • Posted 11 July 2019, 2:58 pm EST


    You could use the following formula to calculate the sum of all cells above the current cell without the need of getting column letter:


    Further, you may use the following formula to get a column’s letter using column index:

    function getColumnLetterFromIndex(sheet, colIndex){
        return GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.evaluateFormula(sheet, '=SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,'+colIndex+',4),"1","")', 0, 0);
    getColumnLetterFromIndex(sheet, 2); // returns B


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