Cell edit event for the newItemCreator row

Posted by: jerry.ferentinos on 21 May 2021, 11:24 am EST

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    Posted 21 May 2021, 11:24 am EST


    Is there any way to register an event handler to be notified when cell values change in the top, newItemCreator row of the grid?

    In Angular, a handler with the following signature:

    cellValueChanged($event: grid.CellEditEndingEventArgs): void

    and attached with the following in the template html:

    <wj-flex-grid ...(cellEditEnding)="cellValueChanged($event)>"

    only gets notified on changes to cells other than those in the top row.

    Thank you.


  • Posted 23 May 2021, 10:53 pm EST

    Hi Jerry,

    We are sorry but we are unable to replicate the issue at our end. Could you please check the following sample that we used for testing and let us know if we are missing something to replicate the issue:


    Also, let us know the exact wijmo version you are using so that we may test on the same version too.


  • Posted 25 May 2021, 1:15 am EST

    Thank you, Sharad. I was mistaken in how I placed my breakpoint. Your comments helped me identify an approach that works.



  • Posted 25 May 2021, 3:58 pm EST

    We are glad that the issue has been fixed. Thank you for informing us about the same.

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