
Posted by: riya.katawate16 on 13 October 2022, 1:51 am EST

  • Posted 13 October 2022, 1:51 am EST

    Hi Team,

    I want to call a function on itemsource changed event. but its not working for me

    <wj-combo-box #ledgerCombobox [itemsSource]="ledgerTypes" [(selectedItem)]="selectedLedgerType" (selectedIndexChanged)="OnLedgerTypeChanged()" **(itemsSourceChanged)="firstGridInitial(ledgerCombobox)" **(isDroppedDownChanged)="isDroppedDownChanged()">

    pls help thanks

  • Posted 13 October 2022, 11:18 pm EST


    We apologize but we are unable to replicate the issue at our end, could you please refer to the below sample used to replicate the issue and let us know if any changes are required to replicate the issue at our end?

    If you are facing the issue only in your application and not in the below-shared sample, it might be possible that the issue is caused due to some other factors in your application therefore I would request you please share a small sample replicating the issue.

    Sample link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mtjdmu?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts,src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html


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