C1FlexReport with 3 charts 3 SQL tables

Posted by: saidnai on 3 March 2020, 2:35 am EST

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    Posted 3 March 2020, 2:35 am EST

    Dear All,

    I need to make a new C1FlexReport showing 3 Charts (2with Bars and 1 Pie). The data are coming from 3 different SQL-Server tables. Important i think is to pass the information to each chart to be shown per VB.NET.

    is there any easy code or sample Project to support me in this issue?

    Best regards


  • Posted 4 March 2020, 9:46 pm EST


    Please refer to the following documentation link:




  • Posted 14 May 2020, 5:32 pm EST

    Dear Mohit,

    Thanks for the sample it helps a lot. I have adjusted it to my use and it works. Somehow i still need your help for the following:

    1) How can i show the value on each Bar in the Chart?
        2) How can i get each Bar having it's own Color?

    Here is the Code that i use:

            Dim chart = CreateChartField("Chart1", "TmpStatistikHG1")
            chart.Top = 0
            chart.Left = 200
            'chart.Header.Text = "Reklamation 1"
            chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = False
            chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = True
            chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.AnnoRotation = 50
            chart.ChartArea2D.AxisY.GridMajor.Visible = True
            chart.Legend.Visible = True
            Dim group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0
            group.ChartType = C1.Win.FlexReport.Chart.Chart2DType.Bar   'Chart2DType.Bar
            Dim data = group.ChartData
            data.IsForEachRecord = True                                 ' show value of each record in data source
            data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup("=Bezeichung")              ' group by FullName
            Dim seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries()
            seriesTemplate.DataValues.AddNewValue("=Anzahl")            ' show Age in AxisY
            seriesTemplate.LegendEntry = True

    Best regards


  • Posted 17 May 2020, 11:24 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 2:54 pm EST

    Dear Mohit,

    I have joined the hole initial VB Code, As i told before. i have changed and added a Pie Chart. So the Question still the same :

    1) How can i show the value on each Bar in the Chart?

    2) How can i get each Bar having it’s own Color?

    I have also joined one figure as result.

    Private report As C1FlexReport

    Private Function CreateChartSampleReport() As C1FlexReport

    report = New C1FlexReport() With { _

    .ReportName = “ChartSample” _


    ’ add data source “Employees”

    Dim dsEmployees = New DataSource() With { _

    .Name = “Employees”, _

    .ConnectionString = “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=…..\Reports\C1Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False”, _

    .DataSource = “Select * from Employees” _



    ’ add calculated field “FullName”.

    Dim calcFullName = New CalculatedField(“FullName”, GetType(String), “=LastName & “” “” & FirstName”)


    ’ add calculated field “Age”.

    Dim calcAge = New CalculatedField(“Age”, GetType(Integer), “=Year(Now())-Year(BirthDate) + 1”)


    ’ add data source “Products”

    Dim dsProducts = New DataSource() With { _

    .Name = “Products”, _

    .ConnectionString = “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=…..\Reports\C1Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False”, _

    .RecordSource = “Select Products.CategoryID as CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName as CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock as UnitsInStock from Products inner join Categories on Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID” _



    report.Sections.Header.Visible = True

    ’ add ChartField using Employees data source.

    Dim sectionEmployees = report.Sections.Header.SubSections.Add()

    sectionEmployees.Name = “ChartWithEmployees”

    sectionEmployees.Height = 5200

    sectionEmployees.Visible = True


    ’ add ChartField using Products data source.

    Dim sectionProducts = report.Sections.Header.SubSections.Add()

    sectionProducts.Name = “ChartWithProducts”

    sectionProducts.Height = 5200

    sectionProducts.Visible = True


    Return report

    End Function

    Private Function CreateChartForEmployees() As ChartField

    Dim chart = CreateChartField(“Chart1”, “Employees”)

    chart.Header.Text = “Employees Age”

    chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = True

    chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = True

    Dim group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0

    group.ChartType = Chart2DType.Bar

    Dim data = group.ChartData

    data.IsForEachRecord = True ’ show value of each record in data source

    data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup(“=FullName”) ’ group by FullName

    Dim seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries()

    seriesTemplate.DataValues.AddNewValue(“=Age”) ’ show Age in AxisY

    Return chart

    End Function

    Private Function CreateChartForProducts() As ChartField

    Dim chart = CreateChartField(“Chart2”, “Products”)

    chart.Header.Text = “Sum of UnitsInStock by Category”

    chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = True

    chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = True

    Dim group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0

    group.ChartType = Chart2DType.Bar

    Dim data = group.ChartData

    Dim categoryGroup = data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup(“=CategoryID”)

    ’ group by each CategoryID

    categoryGroup.LabelExpression = “=CategoryName” ’ show the CategoryName in AxisX

    Dim seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries()


    ’ show sum of UnitsInStock in AxisY

    Return chart

    End Function

    Private Function CreateChartField(name As String, datasource As String) As ChartField

    Dim chart = New ChartField() With { _

    .Name = name, _

    .Width = 7500, _

    .Height = 5000, _

    .Top = 100, _

    .Left = 100, _

    .DataSource = datasource _


    chart.Border.Color = Color.Black

    chart.Border.Width = 15

    chart.Border.Style = DashStyle.Solid

    chart.Border.CornerRadius = New CornerRadius(200.0)

    chart.ChartArea2D.AxisY.AutoMin = False

    Return chart

    End Function

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


    C1FlexViewer1.DocumentSource = report

    End Sub

    Best regards


  • Posted 18 May 2020, 12:54 am EST

    Hi Said,

    1. You can use the ChartDataSeries.DataLabel for displaying labels on each bar:
    seriesTemplate.DataLabel.Visible = True
    seriesTemplate.DataLabel.Text = "{#YVAL}"

    For details on supported values in Text property, you may refer to https://www.grapecity.com/componentone/docs/win/online-flexreport/C1.Win.FlexReport.4.5.2~C1.Win.FlexReport.Chart.ChartDataLabel~Text.html

    1. For this, you may set the ChartData.ColorMode property as follows:
    data.ColorMode = ChartColorMode.ColorByCategory

    The above setting sets colors for each bar automatically. However, if you want to specify your own colors, then you can do the following:

    chart.ColorGeneration = ChartColorGeneration.CustomByPalette
    chart.Palette = "Red;Yellow;Green;" 



  • Posted 18 May 2020, 5:53 pm EST

    Dear Basant,

    Thanks. It helps a lot. I will Need to look how to Change the Position and the font of the values.

    Best regards


  • Posted 18 May 2020, 8:19 pm EST

    Hi Said,

    Good to know that suggestions were helpful.

    Regarding Position of DataLabels, you may use the ChartDataLabel.Compass property as per you requirement. For styling/fonts, you may use the ChartDataLabel.Style.Font as required. For example:

    seriesTemplate.DataLabel.Compass = ChartLabelCompass.North 'i.e. On top of bar
    seriesTemplate.DataLabel.Style.Font.Bold = True



  • Posted 18 May 2020, 8:51 pm EST

    Dear Basant,

    Touchdown :slight_smile:

    Best regards


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