How to change Double click on a unselected row behaviour in True DB Grid

Posted by: asif.arshadullah on 21 February 2021, 7:55 pm EST

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    Posted 21 February 2021, 7:55 pm EST

    Current behaviour of True DB Grid for Winforms is that if a user double clicks on a unselected row, the row becomes editable. I want to change this to the following behaviour:

    If a user double clicks on a unselected row, then the row is only selected not editable. But if a user clicks on a selected row, the row becomes editable.

  • Posted 22 February 2021, 5:29 pm EST


    The single-click always fires before double click so you will need to use a timer with the combination of MouseClick and MouseDoubleClick events and wait when the click occurs to see if it was a double click. Once you know if the click was single or double you can perform the required operations. You can use the EditActive property to begin editing if a single click occurred. You can use the Select method to select the row when a double click occurred.

    Please refer to the sample attached. If you need further assistance, please let us know.



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