Localization of C1FlexViewer "export to pdf" dialog?

Posted by: wknauf on 18 October 2020, 11:12 pm EST

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    Posted 18 October 2020, 11:12 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:25 pm EST

    Hi C1,

    is ist possible to localize the dialog that is shown when exporting a C1FlexReport (shown in C1FlexViewer) to PDF?

    For me, it is english, on an german system.

    Best regards


  • Posted 19 October 2020, 9:18 pm EST


    We are discussing this with the developers and will let you know soon.

    [Internal Tracking ID: 23757]


    Prabhat Sharma,

  • Posted 25 October 2020, 4:16 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    Our developers are planning to localize C1.Win.C1Document to German but there is no ETA for now. But they can localize this Save as PDF form if you can translate the form strings to German by yourself. If this option is possible for you then please let us know so that we can request the developers for the file with strings to localize.


    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 26 October 2020, 10:53 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:25 pm EST

    OK, those are the strings translated as best as I can. There are some questions, and for the “Viewer preferences” I am not sure whether those really work. Could you take a look at it (questions below)?


    “Save as PDF” => “Als PDF speichern”

    Groupbox “General”:

    Groupbox title “General” => “Allgemein”

    Checkbox “PDF/A compatible (level 2B)” => “PDF/A-kompatibel (Level B)”

    Checkbox “Embed True Type fonts” => “TrueType-Schriften einbetten”

    Checkbox “Use compression” => “Komprimierung verwenden”

    Checkbox “Generate outlines” => “Gliederung erzeugen”

    Groupbox “Password security”:

    Groupbox title “Password security” => “Passwortsicherheit”

    Label “Document open (user) password” => “Kennwort zum Öffnen des Dokuments”

    Label “Confirm document open password” => “Kennwort bestätigen”

    Label “Permissions (owner) password” => “Berechtigungskennwort”

    Label “Confirm permissions password” => “Berechtigungskennwort bestätigen”

    I picked the textbox from the screenshots on the german Adobe page: https://helpx.adobe.com/de/acrobat/how-to/password-protect-pdf.html?set=acrobat--fundamentals--secure-pdf

    Groupbox “Encryption level” => “Verschlüsselungsstufe”

    Groupbox “Document restrictions”:

    Groupbox title “Document restrictions” => “Dokumentberechtigungen”

    Checkbox “Allow printing” => “Drucken zulassen”

    Checkbox “Allow content copying or extraction” => “Kopieren von Inhalten zulassen”

    Checkbox “Allow content editing” => “Bearbeitung von Inhalten zulassen”

    Checkbox “Allow annotations editing” => “Kommentieren zulassen” (I assume that this is this feature? https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/how-to/annotate-pdf-online.html - german page: https://acrobat.adobe.com/de/de/acrobat/how-to/annotate-pdf-online.html)

    Button “Document Info” => “Dokumentinfo”

    Button “Output range” => “Ausgabebereich”

    Button “Viewer preferences” => “Ansichteinstellungen”

    Checkbox “Open generated document” => “Erzeugtes Dokument öffnen”

    Button “Cancel” => “Abbrechen”


    Form “Document Information”:

    Title “Document Information” => “Dokumentinformationen”

    Label “Title” => “Titel”

    Label “Author” => “Autor”

    Label “Manager” => “Manager”

    Label “Operator” => at least when exporting a word document, this results in “Zuletzt geändert von” (last modified by)

    Label “Company” => “Firma”

    Label “Subject” => “Betreff”

    Label “Comment” => “Kommentar”

    Label “Producer” => don’t know, not supported by PDF or word. Might bei “Ersteller”

    Label “Creation time” => “Erzeugedatum”

    Label “Revision time” => “Prüfdatum”

    Label “Keywords” => “Stichwörter”

    Label “Keywords must bei delimited by spaces” => “Stichwörter müssen mit Leerzeichen getrennt werden”.

    Label “Fields unsupported by the targt format are disabled” => “Nicht vom Zielformat unterstütze Felder sind deaktiviert”

    Button “Cancel” => “Abbrechen”


    Form “Pages”:

    Title “Pages” => “Seiten”

    Radiobutton “All” => “Alle”

    Radiobutton “Pages” => “Seiten”

    Label “from” => “von”

    Label “to” => “bis”

    Radiobutton “Pages list” => “Seitenzahlen”

    Checkbox “Inverted order” => “Umgekehrte Reihenfolge”

    Button “Cancel” => “Abbrechen”


    Form “Viewer preferences”:

    Title “Viewer preferences” => “Ansichteinstellungen”

    Groupbox “Page layout” => “Seitenlayout”

    Radiobutton “Default” => “Standard”

    Radiobutton “Single page” => “Einzelne Seite”

    Radiobutton “One column” => “Einzelne Seite, fortlaufend”

    Radiobutton “Two columns, …” => it seems these two options do not work as expected: Acrobat reader displayed two pages wide, scrolling. So the result was the same for both options.

    In my german reader, I have an option “Deckblatt in Zweiseitenansicht einblenden”, which seems to be the same as “odd-numbered pages to the right”, but this menu item is not checked when opening a PDF generated with this setting.

    Do those page layout options work at all with Acrobat Reader?

    Thus I cannot translate it properly.

    But probably your options can be translated to:

    “Two columns, odd-numbered pages on the left” => “Zwei Seiten”

    “Two columns, odd-numbered pages on the right” => “Zwei Seiten, Deckblatt einblenden”

    Groupbox “Page mode” => “Seitenmodus”

    Radiobutton “Document outline visible if available” => “Dokumentgliederung einblenden wenn verfügbar”

    Radiobutton “Document outline and thumbnail images not visible” => “Dokumentgliederung und Seitenminiaturen ausblenden”

    Radiobutton “Document outline visible” => “Dokumentgliederung einblenden”

    Radiobutton “Thumbnail images visible” => “Seitenminiaturen einblenden”

    Radiobutton “Full screen” => “Vollbild”

    Checkbox “Hide toolbar”, “Hide menubar”, “Fit window”, “Center window” => it seems those don’t work with Acrobat Reader.

    What about a discount on the next license renewal for this translation work ;-)?

    Best regards


  • Posted 27 October 2020, 10:05 pm EST

    Hi Wolfgang,

    Thank you for sharing the information, we have forwarded this to the developers.

    >>What about a discount on the next license renewal for this translation work ;-)?

    We appreciate your cooperation and you can contact the sales team for this ;-). The contact details are given below:



    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 27 October 2020, 11:26 pm EST

    Well, as you provided an excellent code sample on another issue, this balances ;-).

    I did not translate all options, as I was not sure whether they all work. If the developers decide that they want to keep them, come back to me for the missing translations.

    Best regards


  • Posted 28 October 2020, 10:48 pm EST

    Hi Wolfgang,

    I have forwarded the information to the devs and will let you know if they ask for any help from your side.


    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 15 April 2021, 6:49 am EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:25 pm EST

    I tested it with .492, and most of the PDF options are translated. Seems you did not use my suggestions ;-).

    The layout is not optimal, some texts don’t fit in the buttons (I know, German texts break every control layout…).

    In the attached screenshot I marked two labels where the text seems to miss a word (e.g. "Kennwort für das Öffnen des Dokuments "), and the two “confirm password” labels have the same texts as the label for the first password, see my translations suggestions above.

    The “Viewer preferences” dialog is not translated at all. In my previous post, I made suggestions for most options, and I asked whether they all work as expected.

    When saving to RTF, there is a text “Ausgelagert” that I don’t understand. What does this mean - what does it say in english?

    Best regards


  • Posted 15 April 2021, 9:58 pm EST

    hi Wolfgang,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have raised your concern to the development team and will let you know the updates soon.

    Ausgelagert stands for Paged which described the following property:



    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 18 April 2021, 8:41 pm EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    We have forward your comments to the developers and will let you know as soon as get any update on this from their side.


    Prabhat Sharma

  • Posted 18 April 2021, 10:24 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:25 pm EST

    The link speaks of HTML output, though it is for the property of “RtfOptionsForm”, and the description does not make sense for RTF. Also checking the checkbox does not make a difference for the out here, but it enables the button “Ausgabebereich…”, where I can export only specific pages.

    So, for is the checkbox (and the property) relevant for RTF? Or does it just mean that the user has selected a page range?

    I see that HTML export has the checkbox “Paged” and “Single File” (the latter also not translated). But I did not understand the output result of checking/unchecking “Paged”

    Best regards


  • Posted 19 June 2022, 8:22 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:25 pm EST

    Just to come back with this (using 4.5.20221.557)

    PDF options:

    There are still untranslated texts, see screenshot:

    RTF options:

    My previous question (“What is the meaning of paged/Ausgelagert in RTF export?” is still open ;-).

    Actually, I don’t think that “Ausgelagert” is the proper translation for “Paged”, but first I want to understand the meaning of this option.

    HTML options:

    Untranslated text “Single File”:

    Best regards


  • Posted 21 June 2022, 7:33 pm EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    Thanks for reporting the translation issues. I have forwarded it further to the developers.

    As the developers the Paged option checkbox selects paginated mode and only in this mode you can select the page range,


    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 21 June 2022, 8:50 pm EST

    Well, the current translation “Ausgelagert” does not match your description for “paged” at all ;-). But I don’t have a better translation. Is there a similar feature in other standard software, where I could check?

  • Posted 22 June 2022, 10:38 pm EST


    Let me check it with the developers if they have any specific information on this.


    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 29 December 2022, 5:23 pm EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    As per the developers, “Ausgelagert” does not match “paged”, so they have translated it to ‘Seite für Seite’ (‘Page by page’).

    The fix will be available in the next public release.


    Prabhat Sharma.

  • Posted 29 December 2022, 7:17 pm EST



  • Posted 11 April 2023, 10:42 pm EST

    From the release notes:

    ‘Paged’ option in ‘Save As DOCX/RTF’ dialog in German localization is translated as ‘Ausgelagert’. (Jira:C1WIN-29046)

  • Posted 12 April 2023, 6:03 pm EST - Updated 12 April 2023, 6:08 pm EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    Yes, this has been fixed in the latest version 20231.596. Now the “paged” is translated to ‘Seite für Seite’.

    If you need any other help, please let us know.


    Prabhat Sharma.

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