What are the values for argument format methode SetCellAggregationFormat()?

Posted by: einkauf on 28 April 2022, 10:32 pm EST

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    Posted 28 April 2022, 10:32 pm EST


    the value for argument

    the methode
    must minimal the string
    contain. That’s ok. Format for number, example
    , is ok, too. But format for date-time, example ```

    {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss}

    Which date-time format for German region is valid?
    ISD-Internet Dresden, Saxony
  • Posted 1 May 2022, 6:49 pm EST


    Could you please share a small sample replicating the issue? It’ll help us investigate the issue at our end and help you accordingly.



  • Posted 2 May 2022, 12:11 am EST


    thank you for your mail. I have added a small example programme to the appendix. I hope this will help you to understand my problem. Many thanks in advance.

    With kind regards

    ISD-Internet Dresden, Saxony


  • Posted 3 May 2022, 9:29 pm EST


    The Aggregation result is a double value i.e the OLE Date that is why the format is not being applied as it would on a DateTime value. We have escalated the issue to the development team to get their insights on the issue and how your requirement can be achieved. We will let you know as soon as we have an update.



    [Internal Tracking ID : SPNET-23859]

  • Posted 5 May 2022, 8:36 pm EST


    As per the development team, since the aggregate result is a double value, the date format cannot be applied to it.

    As a workaround, to achieve your requirements, you can change the formula of the cell of the group footer and transform the result of the subtotal to a date value. Please refer to the sample attached.

    When you set the aggregate type for a cell of the group footer, the relevant formula is also set in that cell. So we can get the formula using the GetFormula() method of the AggregationDataModel and set the modified formula using the SetFormula() method.

    Please note that if you use the GetCellAggregarionType() method after the formula modification then it will return AggregationType as custom.




  • Posted 16 May 2022, 12:55 am EST

    Hello Avnish,

    Thank you very much for your efforts. I did not immediately understand the use of the formulas and through trial and error came up with a simple working solution. Suppose there is a table with 30 rows:

    | ColumnType: Number   | ColumnType: String   | ColumnType: Date     | ColumnType: String   | ColumnType: String   | ColumnType: Number   |
    | ID                   | EDITTYPE             | EDITA                | EDITBY               | EDITLOCATION         | ColumnA              |
    | 1                    | 0                    | 15.05.2022           | S.Sample man         | MADS                 | 1                    |
    | 2                    | 0                    | 14.05.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 8                    |
    | 3                    | 0                    | 13.05.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 27                   |
    | ...                  | ...                  | ...                  | ...                  | ...                  | ...                  |

    The content of the File Form1.vb:

    Public Class Form1
        Private m_Table As New DataTable()
        Sub CreateColumns(ByVal editable As Boolean)
            Me.m_Table.Columns.Add(New DataColumn() With {.ColumnName = "ID", .DataType = GetType(Long), .AutoIncrement = True, .AutoIncrementSeed = 1})
            Me.m_Table.Columns.Add(New DataColumn() With {.ColumnName = "EDITTYPE", .DataType = GetType(Char), .ReadOnly = Not editable})
            Me.m_Table.Columns.Add(New DataColumn() With {.ColumnName = "EDITA", .DataType = GetType(Date), .ReadOnly = Not editable})
            Me.m_Table.Columns.Add(New DataColumn() With {.ColumnName = "EDITBY", .DataType = GetType(String), .ReadOnly = Not editable})
            Me.m_Table.Columns.Add(New DataColumn() With {.ColumnName = "EDITLOCATION", .DataType = GetType(String), .ReadOnly = Not editable})
            Me.m_Table.Columns.Add(New DataColumn() With {.ColumnName = "ColumnA", .DataType = GetType(Decimal), .ReadOnly = Not editable})
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Me.spr_Main_Sheet1.DataSource = (New Testdata(Me.m_Table, rowCount:=30).Table)
            Dim gdm As New GroupDataModel(Me.spr_Main_Sheet1.Models.Data)
            Dim sortInfos As New List(Of SortInfo)()
            sortInfos.Add(New SortInfo(3, ascending:=True)) ' Sorted by column EDITBY
            gdm.GroupFooterVisible = True
            Me.spr_Main_Sheet1.Models.Data = gdm
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
            Dim gdm = DirectCast(Me.spr_Main_Sheet1.Models.Data, GroupDataModel)
            ' The format dd.mm.yyyy using dots (which denote ordinal numbering) is the traditional German date format, see here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country
            Dim dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"
            Me.spr_Main_Sheet1.Columns(2).CellType = New CellType.DateTimeCellType() With {.DateTimeFormat = CellType.DateTimeFormat.UserDefined, .UserDefinedFormat = dateFormat}
            For i = 0 To gdm.Groups.Count - 1
                Dim group = DirectCast(gdm.Groups(i), Group)
                DirectCast(group.GroupFooter.DataModel, IAggregationSupport).SetCellAggregationType(row:=0, col:=2, type:=AggregationType.Max) ' column EDITA
                DirectCast(group.GroupFooter.DataModel, IAggregationSupport).SetCellAggregationType(row:=0, col:=5, type:=AggregationType.Max) ' column ColumnA
                ' in German region is a decimal separator a , see here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator and the , is also displayed. Example: "24389,00" This is ok.
                DirectCast(group.GroupFooter.DataModel, IAggregationSupport).SetCellAggregationFormat(row:=0, col:=5, format:="{0:0.00}")
                For primaryRowIndex = 0 To group.Rows.Count - 1
                    If TypeOf group.Rows(primaryRowIndex) Is Integer Then
                        Dim dm = DirectCast(group.GroupFooter.DataModel, AggregationDataModel)
                        Dim value = dm.GetValue(row:=0, col:=2) ' column EDITA
                        If TypeOf value Is Double Then
                            dm.SetValue(row:=0, col:=2, Date.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(value)).ToString(dateFormat))
                        End If
                    End If
        End Sub
    End Class

    Grouping is done by the EDITBY column and the EDITA and ColumnA columns have group feet. These group footers are now perfectly formatted by my solution above.

    | ID                   | EDITTYPE             | EDITA                | EDITBY               | EDITLOCATION         | ColumnA              |
    | 2                    | 0                    | 14.05.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 8                    |
    | 27                   | 0                    | 19.04.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 19683                |
    | 9                    | 0                    | 07.05.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 729                  |
    | 11                   | 0                    | 05.05.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 1331                 |
    | 20                   | 0                    | 26.04.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 8000                 |
    | 18                   | 0                    | 28.04.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 5832                 |
    | 29                   | 0                    | 17.04.2022           | A.Sample man         | MADS                 | 24389                |
    |                      |                      | 14.05.2022           |                      |                      | 24389                |
    | EDITBY: E.Sample man | EDITBY: E.Sample man | EDITBY: E.Sample man | EDITBY: E.Sample man | EDITBY: E.Sample man | EDITBY: E.Sample man |
    | 15                   | 0                    | 01.05.2022           | E.Sample man         | MADS                 | 3375                 |
    | 6                    | 0                    | 10.05.2022           | E.Sample man         | MADS                 | 216                  |
    | 24                   | 0                    | 22.04.2022           | E.Sample man         | MADS                 | 13824                |
    |                      |                      | 10.05.2022           |                      |                      | 13824                |
    | EDITBY: L.Sample man | EDITBY: L.Sample man | EDITBY: L.Sample man | EDITBY: L.Sample man | EDITBY: L.Sample man | EDITBY: L.Sample man |
    | 5                    | 0                    | 11.05.2022           | L.Sample man         | MADS                 | 125                  |
    | 23                   | 0                    | 23.04.2022           | L.Sample man         | MADS                 | 12167                |
    | 14                   | 0                    | 02.05.2022           | L.Sample man         | MADS                 | 2744                 |
    |                      |                      | 11.05.2022           |                      |                      | 12167                |
    | EDITBY: M.Sample man | EDITBY: M.Sample man | EDITBY: M.Sample man | EDITBY: M.Sample man | EDITBY: M.Sample man | EDITBY: M.Sample man |
    | 26                   | 0                    | 20.04.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 17576                |
    | 21                   | 0                    | 25.04.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 9261                 |
    | 17                   | 0                    | 29.04.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 4913                 |
    | 30                   | 0                    | 16.04.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 27000                |
    | 12                   | 0                    | 04.05.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 1728                 |
    | 8                    | 0                    | 08.05.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 512                  |
    | 3                    | 0                    | 13.05.2022           | M.Sample man         | MADS                 | 27                   |
    |                      |                      | 13.05.2022           |                      |                      | 27000                |
    | EDITBY: P.Sample man | EDITBY: P.Sample man | EDITBY: P.Sample man | EDITBY: P.Sample man | EDITBY: P.Sample man | EDITBY: P.Sample man |
    | 13                   | 0                    | 03.05.2022           | P.Sample man         | MADS                 | 2197                 |
    | 22                   | 0                    | 24.04.2022           | P.Sample man         | MADS                 | 10648                |
    | 4                    | 0                    | 12.05.2022           | P.Sample man         | MADS                 | 64                   |
    |                      |                      | 12.05.2022           |                      |                      | 10648                |
    | EDITBY: S.Sample man | EDITBY: S.Sample man | EDITBY: S.Sample man | EDITBY: S.Sample man | EDITBY: S.Sample man | EDITBY: S.Sample man |
    | 19                   | 0                    | 27.04.2022           | S.Sample man         | MADS                 | 6859                 |
    | 10                   | 0                    | 06.05.2022           | S.Sample man         | MADS                 | 1000                 |
    | 28                   | 0                    | 18.04.2022           | S.Sample man         | MADS                 | 21952                |
    | 1                    | 0                    | 15.05.2022           | S.Sample man         | MADS                 | 1                    |
    |                      |                      | 15.05.2022           |                      |                      | 21952                |
    | EDITBY: X.Sample man | EDITBY: X.Sample man | EDITBY: X.Sample man | EDITBY: X.Sample man | EDITBY: X.Sample man | EDITBY: X.Sample man |
    | 7                    | 0                    | 09.05.2022           | X.Sample man         | MADS                 | 343                  |
    | 25                   | 0                    | 21.04.2022           | X.Sample man         | MADS                 | 15625                |
    | 16                   | 0                    | 30.04.2022           | X.Sample man         | MADS                 | 4096                 |
    |                      |                      | 09.05.2022           |                      |                      | 15625                |

    My problem is therefore considered solved.

    With kind regards

    ISD-Internet Dresden, Saxony

  • Posted 17 May 2022, 2:26 pm EST


    Good to hear that you were able to come up with a working solution.

    Regarding the use of formulas, the Aggregate footer cells have a SUBTOTAL formula according to what the aggregate type and the cells included in the aggregation. In our solution, we used the TEXT formula to convert the result of the SUBTOTAL formula to date format.



  • Posted 18 May 2022, 12:59 am EST

    Hello Avnish,

    thank you very much for your efforts. I have now found out why your solution did not work for me. There is Babylonian confusion of languages (For what the Europeans mean by this, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel#Confusion_of_tonguesv).

    You wrote the following line of code:

    Dim exp = $"TEXT({oldExp}, ""dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"")"

    By the above code line I get an following FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ParseException in the line ```

    dm.SetFormula(0, 2, exp)

    'TEXT(TEILERGEBNIS(4;Sheet1!C2:C2;Sheet1!C27:C27;Sheet1!C9:C9;Sheet1!C11:C11;Sheet1!C20:C20;Sheet1!C18:C18;Sheet1!C29:C29) "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")' is not a valid formula.
    Since I did not find the formula functions in the spread documentation (FarPoint.Win.Spread.15.0.chm), [b]I use the formula functions on the Microsoft documentation pages.[/b] Formula function names (I have translated everything in the following table into English except for the formula names):
    # english german
    1. | TEXT(Value you want to format, “Format code you want to apply”) | TEXT(Value you want to format;“Format code to be applied”)
    2. | SUBTOTAL(function_num,ref1,[ref2],…) | TEILERGEBNIS(Function_num, Reference1;[Reference2];…)
    [1 - english]: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/text-function-20d5ac4d-7b94-49fd-bb38-93d29371225c
    [1 - german] : https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/office/text-funktion-20d5ac4d-7b94-49fd-bb38-93d29371225c
    [2 - english]: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/subtotal-function-7b027003-f060-4ade-9040-e478765b9939
    [2 - german] : https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/office/teilergebnis-funktion-7b027003-f060-4ade-9040-e478765b9939
    By swapping the [b]comma [/b]for the [b]semicolon[/b], Anvish's code finally worked: 

    Dim exp As String = $“TEXT({oldExp}; ““dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss””)”

    Anish, it wasn't you, but the poor documentation of FpSpread that I couldn't get your code to work right away.
    With kind regards
    ISD-Internet Dresden, Saxony
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