C1DragDropManager DataGrid

Posted by: patrick.muellner on 15 May 2022, 7:43 pm EST

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    Posted 15 May 2022, 7:43 pm EST


    is it possible with the C1DragDropManager beetween two DataGrid that I can insert somewhere the new row?

    And also highlight the selected row (target)


  • Posted 15 May 2022, 9:48 pm EST

    Hi Patrick,

    Yes you can implement this requirement using C1DragDropManager. I have attached a sample which implements the same using C1DragDropManager’s RegisterDropTarget/RegisterDragSource/UnRegisterDragSource methods and DragDrop event. (see DataGridDragDrop.zip)

    Note: The attached sample implements one way drag drop i.e. from one DataGrid to other. You can use the same implementation for vice versa.

    Best Regards,



  • Posted 23 May 2022, 6:30 pm EST


    thanks for you answer.

    But is it possible that I insert the row where I drag over?

    And also the row is selected where I want to drop it?


  • Posted 23 May 2022, 7:32 pm EST

    Additional - with DragDropManager possible that I can use this with more rows?

  • Posted 23 May 2022, 9:10 pm EST

    Hi Patrick.

    Thanks for reaching out to us again.

    1. The sample provided in previous post is the example to drag a row and insert into another Datagrid. Could you please clarify your requirement. What you want to achieve? Row insertion while drag/drop solution is already provided with you.

    2. In order to select a row where you want to drop a dragged row. You need to handle DragOver event as:(see code snippet)

           private void _dragDropManager_DragOver(object source, DragDropEventArgs e)
                var targetDataGrid = e.DropTarget as C1DataGrid;
                var cell = targetDataGrid.GetCellFromPoint(Mouse.GetPosition(this));
                if(cell != null)
                    targetDataGrid.Selection.Add(new DataGridCellsRange(cell.Row));
    1. To achieve the functionality of drag-drop multiple rows. You can handle PreviewMouseDown and drag the selected row(s) as: (see code snippet)
                  private void Source_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                    var cell = sourceDataGrid.GetCellFromPoint(e.GetPosition(null));
                    if (cell != null && cell.IsSelected)
                        foreach (User item in sourceDataGrid.SelectedItems)
                        _dragDropManager.DoDragDrop(cell.Row.Presenter, e, DragDropEffect.Move);
                    e.Handled = true;
    // On Drop
            private void OnDragDrop(object source, DragDropEventArgs e)
                var targetDataGrid = e.DropTarget as C1DataGrid;
                var cell = targetDataGrid.GetCellFromPoint(Mouse.GetPosition(this));
                    int index = cell.Row.Index;
                    foreach (User item in draggedData)
                        (sourceDataGrid.DataSourceView.SourceCollection as ObservableCollection<User>).Remove(item);
                        (targetDataGrid.DataSourceView.SourceCollection as ObservableCollection<User>).Insert(index, item);
                    targetDataGrid.Selection.Add(targetDataGrid.Rows[cell.Row.Index - draggedData.Count], targetDataGrid.Rows[cell.Row.Index - 1]);

    Please refer the attached modified sample for the same : DataGridDragDrop_Mod.zip

    Best Regards,


  • Posted 11 November 2022, 1:01 am EST


    I have one additional question.

    What I have many rows und want do drop them for example to the bottom of my DataGrid the Sroller doesn’t works.

    So with many rows it is not possible? How can I solve this problem?

    Regards Patrick

  • Posted 13 November 2022, 6:03 pm EST

    Hi Patrick,

    Apologize for the delay in response.

    To scroll target DataGrid while dragging, you need to handle MouseMove event of the current window as:(see code sippet)

            private void TargetGrid_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
                if (e.MouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                    var ht = targetDataGrid.GetCellFromPoint(e.GetPosition(this));
                    if (ht != null)
                        if (targetDataGrid.Viewport.LastVisibleRow == ht.Row.Index && targetDataGrid.Rows.Count - 1 > ht.Row.Index)
                            targetDataGrid.ScrollIntoView(ht.Row.Index + 1, ht.Column.Index);
                        if (targetDataGrid.Viewport.FirstVisibleRow == ht.Row.Index && ht.Row.Index > 0)
                            targetDataGrid.ScrollIntoView(ht.Row.Index - 1, ht.Column.Index);

    Please refer the attached modified sample for the same : DataGridDragDrop_Mod2.zip

    Best Regards,


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