Custom DataGrid Aggregate refresh issue

Posted by: abellisomi on 20 January 2020, 10:10 am EST

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    Posted 20 January 2020, 10:10 am EST

    I am trying to get a custom

    Implementation. I implemented a class such as:

        public class MyDataGridAggregate : DataGridAggregate
            public override object Compute(DataGridRowCollection rows, DataGridColumn column, bool recursive)
                var items= rows.As<DataGridRowCollection>().ToList().Select(x => x.DataItem).OfType<MyModel>().Select(pd => pd.InterestingField).Distinct().ToList();
                return string.Join(@",", items);

    This gets attached to a

    this way:

    <c1:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding SomeName}">
                                                    <planDetail:MyDataGridAggregate ResultFormat="D = {0}"/>

    The custom aggregator gets called correctly, however the group row value does not get refreshed when I update the underlying data of

    . How can make sure this happens correctly?

    Thank you

  • Posted 20 January 2020, 11:45 pm EST


    Are you implementing INotifyPropertyChanged in your model? I don’t find anything else that could cause this issue for you. For your verification, I have prepared an application, kindly refer the same.

    Best wishes,


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