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Using the Expression Editor in the ActiveReportsJS Report Designer

ActiveReportsJS supports the use of expressions to conditionally format a report control's properties. With the expression editor, you can use various functions and operators to filter the data based on changing data. Use this guide to set up a basic expression to change the text in a textbox depending on the page number: 

  1. Drag a textbox control on the report designer's surface. In the Value property of the textbox, click the box and select Expression...
  2. Input the following code into the expression editor: {IIF(&PageNumber = 1, "Page 1!", "Not Page 1!")}
  3. Click Save and preview the report to see the result.

Congratulations -- You have successfully created a simple expression to conditionally set the textbox's value at runtime. If you have more questions regarding this guide, please open a ticket with our support team.

Christian Wirt