
Visualize your data using the most popular spreadsheet charts. Supported charts include Column, Line, Pie, Area, Bar, XYScatter, Stock, Combo, Radar, Sunburst, Treemap, and Funnel with additional support for trendlines, error bars, and other customizations. The charts can also be imported and exported to Excel files.

To use the chart feature, add the SpreadJS Chart JS file link into the document's head section: You can create a chart with the sheet.charts.add method, as shown below: In addition, you can also specify that the data source of the chart is multiple selections You can get a chart in the sheet using the sheet.charts.get method, remove a chart using the sheet.charts.remove method, and/or also clear all your charts using the sheet.charts.clear method. A chart is built with many sub-elements, and you can customize each one using the chart API: Chart Title: The title of the chart You can get or set the text, the background color, the foreground color, the font, and the font size of the chart title. Series: The data points of a data series that are plotted on the chart You can get, add, or remove a series item from the series collection of a chart, as well as customize the name, border, width, border color, y value, x value, and fill color of each series item. Data Labels: You can use data labels to identify the details of a data point in a data series You can customize the chart’s series data labels style between below options showValue showSeriesName showCategoryName showPercentage separator position format color transparency backColor backColorTransparency borderColor borderWidth borderColorTransparency SpreadJS provides 28 chart types. You can get or set the current chart type using the following code: SpreadJS supports displaying blank cells in the following ways and displaying #N/A cells as blank in the chart: gaps: Null values are skipped. zero: Null values are treated as having a value of zero. connected: Null values are skipped and the line of the area chart is connected. SpreadJS supports showing or ignoring hidden rows and columns in chart. SpreadJS supports preserving or ignoring unsupported chart types when importing.
import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './styles.css'; import { AppFunc } from './app-func'; import { App } from './app-class'; // 1. Functional Component sample ReactDOM.render(<AppFunc />, document.getElementById('app')); // 2. Class Component sample // ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
import * as React from 'react'; import { useState } from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets'; import { SpreadSheets, Worksheet } from '@mescius/spread-sheets-react'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-shapes'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-charts'; import './styles.css'; const Component = React.Component; const chartType = [ [{ typeDesc: 'Clustered Column', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnClustered }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Column', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Column', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Line', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.line }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Line', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Line', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineStacked100 }, { typeDesc: 'Line With Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkers }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Line With Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkersStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Line With Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkersStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Pie', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.pie }, { typeDesc: 'Doughnut', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.doughnut }], [{ typeDesc: 'Clustered Bar', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.barClustered }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Bar', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.barStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Bar', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.barStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Area', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.area }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Area', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.areaStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Area', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.areaStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Scatter', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatter }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Smooth Lines And Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmooth }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Smooth Lines', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmoothNoMarkers }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Straight Lines And Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLines }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Straight Lines', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLinesNoMarkers }, { typeDesc: 'Bubble', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.bubble }], [{ typeDesc: 'High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockHLC }, { typeDesc: 'Open-High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockOHLC }, { typeDesc: 'Volume-High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockVHLC }, { typeDesc: 'Volume-Open-High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockVOHLC }] ]; function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } export function AppFunc() { const [spread, setSpread] = useState(null); const [ignoreHidden, setIgnoreHidden] = useState(true); let initSpread = function (value) { setSpread(value); value.suspendPaint(); value.setSheetCount(2); let sheet1 = value.getSheet(0); sheet1.name("Common Chart"); let sheet2 = value.getSheet(1); sheet2.name("Custom Chart"); initSheet(sheet1); initSheet(sheet2); //add chart initChart(sheet1); initChart(sheet2); //custom chart customChartStyle(sheet2); value.resumePaint(); changeTypeSelect(); } let initSheet = function (sheet) { sheet.suspendPaint(); //prepare data for chart let dataArray = [ ["", 'Chrome', 'FireFox', 'IE', 'Safari', 'Edge', 'Opera', 'Other'], ["2015", 0.5651, 0.1734, 0.1711, 0.427, 0, 0.184, 0.293], ["2016", 0.6230, 0.1531, 0.1073, 0.464, 0.311, 0.166, 0.225], ["2017", 0.6360, 0.1304, 0.834, 0.589, 0.443, 0.223, 0.246] ]; sheet.setArray(0, 0, dataArray); sheet.resumePaint(); } let initChart = function (sheet) { //add common chart sheet.charts.add('Chart1', GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnClustered, 0, 100, 800, 300, "A1:H4"); } let customChartStyle = function (sheet) { let changeChart = sheet.charts.all()[0]; changeChartStyle(changeChart); } let changeChartStyle = function (chart) { //change orientation switchOrientation(chart); //change legend changeChartLegend(chart); //change chartArea changeChartArea(chart); //change chartTitle changeChartTitle(chart); //change dataLabels changeChartDataLabels(chart); //change axisTitles changeChartAxisTitles(chart); //change axesLine changeChartAxesLine(chart); //change series changeSeries(chart); //change gridLine changeGridLine(chart); //change seriesBorder changeSeriesBorder(chart); } let switchOrientation = function (chart) { chart.switchDataOrientation(); } let changeChartLegend = function (chart) { let legend = chart.legend(); legend.visible = true; let legendPosition = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.LegendPosition; legend.position = legendPosition.top; chart.legend(legend); } let changeChartArea = function (chart) { let chartArea = chart.chartArea(); chartArea.backColor = "rgba(93,93,93,1)"; chartArea.color = "rgba(255,255,255,1)"; chartArea.fontSize = 14; chart.chartArea(chartArea); } let changeChartTitle = function (chart) { let title = chart.title(); title.text = "Browser Market Share"; title.fontSize = 18; chart.title(title); } let changeChartDataLabels = function (chart) { let dataLabels = chart.dataLabels(); dataLabels.showValue = true; dataLabels.showSeriesName = false; dataLabels.showCategoryName = false; dataLabels.format = "0.00%"; let dataLabelPosition = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition; dataLabels.position = dataLabelPosition.outsideEnd; chart.dataLabels(dataLabels); let series0 = chart.series().get(0); series0.dataLabels = { showSeriesName: true, showCategoryName: true, separator: ";", position: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition.Center, color: "red", backColor: "white", borderColor: "blue", borderWidth: 2 }; chart.series().set(0, series0); let series2 = chart.series().get(2); series2.dataLabels = { showSeriesName: true, separator: "/", position: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition.insideEnd, color: "yellow", backColor: "white", borderColor: "green", borderWidth: 1 }; chart.series().set(2, series2); let series4 = chart.series().get(4); series4.dataLabels = { showCategoryName: true, separator: ":", position: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition.above, color: "blue", backColor: "white", borderColor: "red", borderWidth: 2.5 }; chart.series().set(4, series4); } let changeChartAxisTitles = function (chart) { let axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryCategory.title.text = 'Year'; axes.primaryCategory.title.fontSize = 14; chart.axes(axes); } let changeChartAxesLine = function (chart) { let axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryValue.format = "0%"; chart.axes(axes); } let changeSeries = function (chart) { let series = chart.series(); let seriesItem = series.get(6); seriesItem.backColor = "#a3cf62"; series.set(6, seriesItem); } let changeGridLine = function (chart) { let axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryCategory.majorGridLine.visible = false; axes.primaryValue.majorGridLine.visible = false; chart.axes(axes); } let changeSeriesBorder = function (chart) { let series = chart.series().get(); for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { let seriesItem = series[i]; seriesItem.border.color = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; seriesItem.border.width = 1; chart.series().set(i, seriesItem); } } let getActiveChart = function (sheet) { let activeChart = null; sheet.charts.all().forEach(function (chart) { if (chart.isSelected()) { activeChart = chart; } }); return activeChart; } let judgeIsEmptyOneCell = function (sheet, range) { if (range.rowCount === 1 && range.colCount === 1) { let cell = sheet.getCell(range.row, range.col); if (!cell.text()) { return true; } } return false; } let changeTypeSelect = function (e) { let index = parseInt(e && e.target.value || 0); if (index !== null && index !== undefined && index < chartType.length) { _getElementById('typeSelect').innerHTML = ''; let typeArray = chartType[index]; for (let i = 0; i < typeArray.length; i++) { let item = typeArray[i]; let option = document.createElement('option'); let value = document.createAttribute('value'); value.nodeValue = i; option.setAttributeNode(value); option.innerHTML = item.typeDesc; _getElementById('typeSelect').appendChild(option); } } } let insertChart = function (chartInfo) { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let dataRanges = activeSheet.getSelections(); let dataFormulas = []; if (dataRanges) { dataRanges.forEach((dataRange) => { if (!judgeIsEmptyOneCell(activeSheet, dataRange)) { let rangeToFormula = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.rangeToFormula; dataFormulas.push(rangeToFormula(dataRange)); } }) } let groupIndex = parseInt(chartInfo.groupType); let typeIndex = parseInt(chartInfo.chartType); if (groupIndex < chartType.length) { let typeArray = chartType[groupIndex]; if (typeIndex < typeArray.length) { let type = typeArray[typeIndex].type; try { activeSheet.charts.add('', type, 30, 120, 500, 300, dataFormulas.join(','), GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.RowCol.rows); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); } } } } let switchRowColumn = function (e) { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = getActiveChart(activeSheet); if (activeChart) { let isSwitched = activeChart.switchDataOrientation(); if (!isSwitched) { alert("'Can't switch row/column"); } } } let removeChart = function () { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = getActiveChart(activeSheet); if (activeChart) { activeSheet.charts.remove(activeChart.name()); } } let removeAllChart = function () { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); activeSheet.charts.clear(); } let ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn = function (e) { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = getActiveChart(activeSheet); let checked = e.target.checked; activeChart && activeChart.ignoreHidden(checked); setIgnoreHidden(checked); } let displayBlanksCells = function (e) { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = getActiveChart(activeSheet); let index = parseInt(e.target.value); if (index !== null && index !== undefined) { activeChart && activeChart.displayBlanksAs(index); } } let showNAAsBlanks = function (e) { let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = getActiveChart(activeSheet); activeChart && activeChart.displayNaNAsBlank(e.target.checked); } return (<div class="sample-tutorial"> <div class="sample-spreadsheets"> <SpreadSheets workbookInitialized={spread => initSpread(spread)}> <Worksheet /> </SpreadSheets> </div> <Panel ignoreHidden={ignoreHidden} insertChart={(e) => { insertChart(e) }} switchRowColumn={(e) => { switchRowColumn(e) }} removeChart={(e) => { removeChart(e) }} removeAllChart={(e) => { removeAllChart(e) }} changeTypeSelect={(e) => { changeTypeSelect(e) }} displayBlanksCells={(e) => { displayBlanksCells(e) }} showNAAsBlanks={(e) => { showNAAsBlanks(e) }} ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn={(e) => { ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn(e) }} /> </div>); } class Panel extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { groupType: '0', chartType: '0' } } render() { return ( <div class="options-container"> <p>Highlight a range of cells, select a chart group and chart type then click “Add Chart” to add the chart to the sheet. Switch the axes with “Switch row/column” or remove the chart(s) with “Remove chart” or “Remove all charts”. </p> <div class="option-row"> <label>Group:</label> <select id="groupSelect" style={{ width: "160px" }} value={this.state.groupType} onChange={(e) => { this.setState({ groupType: e.target.value }) this.props.changeTypeSelect(e); }}> <option value="0">Column</option> <option value="1">Line</option> <option value="2">Pie</option> <option value="3">Bar</option> <option value="4">Area</option> <option value="5">Scatter</option> <option value="6">Stock</option> </select> </div> <div class="option-row"> <label>Type:</label> <select id="typeSelect" style={{ width: "160px" }} value={this.state.chartType} onChange={(e) => { this.setState({ chartType: e.target.value }) }}></select> </div> <div class="option-row"> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px", "margin-bottom": "15px" }} value="Add Chart" id="insertChart" onClick={(e) => { this.props.insertChart(this.state) }} /> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px" }} value="Switch row/column" id="switchRowColumn" onClick={(e) => { this.props.switchRowColumn(e) }} /> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px" }} value="Remove chart" id="removeChart" onClick={(e) => { this.props.removeChart(e) }} /> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px" }} value="Remove all charts" id="removeAllCharts" onClick={(e) => { this.props.removeAllChart(e) }} /> </div> <div class="option-row"> <label>Display Blanks Cells As:</label> <select id="displayBlanksCells" style={{ width: "80px" }} onChange={(e) => { this.props.displayBlanksCells(e) }}> <option value="1" selected="selected">Gaps</option> <option value="2">Zero</option> <option value="0">Connect</option> </select> </div> <div class="option-row"> <input type="checkbox" id="showNAAsBlanks" onClick={(e) => { this.props.showNAAsBlanks(e) }}></input> <label for="showNAAsBlanks">Display #N/A Cells As Blank Cells</label> </div> <div class="option-row"> <input type="checkbox" id="ignoreHidden" checked={this.props.ignoreHidden} onClick={(e) => { this.props.ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn(e) }}></input> <label for="ignoreHidden">Ingore Hidden Rows And Columns</label> </div> </div> ) } }
import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets'; import { SpreadSheets, Worksheet } from '@mescius/spread-sheets-react'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-shapes'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-charts'; import './styles.css'; const Component = React.Component; const chartType = [ [{ typeDesc: 'Clustered Column', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnClustered }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Column', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Column', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Line', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.line }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Line', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Line', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineStacked100 }, { typeDesc: 'Line With Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkers }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Line With Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkersStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Line With Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkersStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Pie', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.pie }, { typeDesc: 'Doughnut', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.doughnut }], [{ typeDesc: 'Clustered Bar', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.barClustered }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Bar', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.barStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Bar', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.barStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Area', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.area }, { typeDesc: 'Stacked Area', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.areaStacked }, { typeDesc: '100% Stacked Area', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.areaStacked100 }], [{ typeDesc: 'Scatter', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatter }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Smooth Lines And Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmooth }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Smooth Lines', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmoothNoMarkers }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Straight Lines And Markers', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLines }, { typeDesc: 'Scatter With Straight Lines', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLinesNoMarkers }, { typeDesc: 'Bubble', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.bubble }], [{ typeDesc: 'High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockHLC }, { typeDesc: 'Open-High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockOHLC }, { typeDesc: 'Volume-High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockVHLC }, { typeDesc: 'Volume-Open-High-Low-Close', type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.stockVOHLC }] ]; function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } export class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.spread = null; this.state = { ignoreHidden: true }; } render() { return (<div class="sample-tutorial"> <div class="sample-spreadsheets"> <SpreadSheets workbookInitialized={spread => this.initSpread(spread)}> <Worksheet /> </SpreadSheets> </div> <Panel ignoreHidden={this.state.ignoreHidden} insertChart={(e) => { this.insertChart(e) }} switchRowColumn={(e) => { this.switchRowColumn(e) }} removeChart={(e) => { this.removeChart(e) }} removeAllChart={(e) => { this.removeAllChart(e) }} changeTypeSelect={(e) => { this.changeTypeSelect(e) }} displayBlanksCells={(e) => { this.displayBlanksCells(e) }} showNAAsBlanks={(e) => { this.showNAAsBlanks(e) }} ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn={(e) => { this.ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn(e) }} /> </div>); } initSpread(spread) { this.spread = spread; spread.suspendPaint(); spread.setSheetCount(2); let sheet1 = spread.getSheet(0); sheet1.name("Common Chart"); let sheet2 = spread.getSheet(1); sheet2.name("Custom Chart"); this.initSheet(sheet1); this.initSheet(sheet2); //add chart this.initChart(sheet1); this.initChart(sheet2); //custom chart this.customChartStyle(sheet2); spread.resumePaint(); this.changeTypeSelect(); } initSheet(sheet) { sheet.suspendPaint(); //prepare data for chart let dataArray = [ ["", 'Chrome', 'FireFox', 'IE', 'Safari', 'Edge', 'Opera', 'Other'], ["2015", 0.5651, 0.1734, 0.1711, 0.427, 0, 0.184, 0.293], ["2016", 0.6230, 0.1531, 0.1073, 0.464, 0.311, 0.166, 0.225], ["2017", 0.6360, 0.1304, 0.834, 0.589, 0.443, 0.223, 0.246] ]; sheet.setArray(0, 0, dataArray); sheet.resumePaint(); } initChart(sheet) { //add common chart sheet.charts.add('Chart1', GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnClustered, 0, 100, 800, 300, "A1:H4"); } customChartStyle(sheet) { let changeChart = sheet.charts.all()[0]; this.changeChartStyle(changeChart); } changeChartStyle(chart) { //change orientation this.switchOrientation(chart); //change legend this.changeChartLegend(chart); //change chartArea this.changeChartArea(chart); //change chartTitle this.changeChartTitle(chart); //change dataLabels this.changeChartDataLabels(chart); //change axisTitles this.changeChartAxisTitles(chart); //change axesLine this.changeChartAxesLine(chart); //change series this.changeSeries(chart); //change gridLine this.changeGridLine(chart); //change seriesBorder this.changeSeriesBorder(chart); } switchOrientation(chart) { chart.switchDataOrientation(); } changeChartLegend(chart) { let legend = chart.legend(); legend.visible = true; let legendPosition = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.LegendPosition; legend.position = legendPosition.top; chart.legend(legend); } changeChartArea(chart) { let chartArea = chart.chartArea(); chartArea.backColor = "rgba(93,93,93,1)"; chartArea.color = "rgba(255,255,255,1)"; chartArea.fontSize = 14; chart.chartArea(chartArea); } changeChartTitle(chart) { let title = chart.title(); title.text = "Browser Market Share"; title.fontSize = 18; chart.title(title); } changeChartDataLabels(chart) { let dataLabels = chart.dataLabels(); dataLabels.showValue = true; dataLabels.showSeriesName = false; dataLabels.showCategoryName = false; dataLabels.format = "0.00%"; let dataLabelPosition = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition; dataLabels.position = dataLabelPosition.outsideEnd; chart.dataLabels(dataLabels); let series0 = chart.series().get(0); series0.dataLabels = { showSeriesName: true, showCategoryName: true, separator: ";", position: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition.Center, color: "red", backColor: "white", borderColor: "blue", borderWidth: 2 }; chart.series().set(0, series0); let series2 = chart.series().get(2); series2.dataLabels = { showSeriesName: true, separator: "/", position: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition.insideEnd, color: "yellow", backColor: "white", borderColor: "green", borderWidth: 1 }; chart.series().set(2, series2); let series4 = chart.series().get(4); series4.dataLabels = { showCategoryName: true, separator: ":", position: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.DataLabelPosition.above, color: "blue", backColor: "white", borderColor: "red", borderWidth: 2.5 }; chart.series().set(4, series4); } changeChartAxisTitles(chart) { let axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryCategory.title.text = 'Year'; axes.primaryCategory.title.fontSize = 14; chart.axes(axes); } changeChartAxesLine(chart) { let axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryValue.format = "0%"; chart.axes(axes); } changeSeries(chart) { let series = chart.series(); let seriesItem = series.get(6); seriesItem.backColor = "#a3cf62"; series.set(6, seriesItem); } changeGridLine(chart) { let axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryCategory.majorGridLine.visible = false; axes.primaryValue.majorGridLine.visible = false; chart.axes(axes); } changeSeriesBorder(chart) { let series = chart.series().get(); for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { let seriesItem = series[i]; seriesItem.border.color = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; seriesItem.border.width = 1; chart.series().set(i, seriesItem); } } getActiveChart(sheet) { let activeChart = null; sheet.charts.all().forEach(function (chart) { if (chart.isSelected()) { activeChart = chart; } }); return activeChart; } judgeIsEmptyOneCell(sheet, range) { if (range && range.rowCount === 1 && range.colCount === 1) { let cell = sheet.getCell(range.row, range.col); if (!cell.text()) { return true; } } return false; } changeTypeSelect(e) { let index = parseInt(e && e.target.value || 0); if (index !== null && index !== undefined && index < chartType.length) { _getElementById('typeSelect').innerHTML = ''; let typeArray = chartType[index]; for (let i = 0; i < typeArray.length; i++) { let item = typeArray[i]; let option = document.createElement('option'); let value = document.createAttribute('value'); value.nodeValue = i; option.setAttributeNode(value); option.innerHTML = item.typeDesc; _getElementById('typeSelect').appendChild(option); } } } insertChart(chartInfo) { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); let dataRanges = activeSheet.getSelections(); let dataFormulas = []; if (dataRanges) { dataRanges.forEach((dataRange) => { if (!this.judgeIsEmptyOneCell(activeSheet, dataRange)) { let rangeToFormula = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.rangeToFormula; dataFormulas.push(rangeToFormula(dataRange)); } }) } let groupIndex = parseInt(chartInfo.groupType); let typeIndex = parseInt(chartInfo.chartType); if (groupIndex < chartType.length) { let typeArray = chartType[groupIndex]; if (typeIndex < typeArray.length) { let type = typeArray[typeIndex].type; try { activeSheet.charts.add('', type, 30, 120, 500, 300, dataFormulas.join(','), GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.RowCol.rows); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); } } } } switchRowColumn(e) { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = this.getActiveChart(activeSheet); if (activeChart) { let isSwitched = activeChart.switchDataOrientation(); if (!isSwitched) { alert("'Can't switch row/column"); } } } removeChart() { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = this.getActiveChart(activeSheet); if (activeChart) { activeSheet.charts.remove(activeChart.name()); } } removeAllChart() { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); activeSheet.charts.clear(); } ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn(e) { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = this.getActiveChart(activeSheet); let checked = e.target.checked; activeChart && activeChart.ignoreHidden(checked); this.setState(() => ({ ignoreHidden: checked })); } displayBlanksCells(e) { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = this.getActiveChart(activeSheet); let index = parseInt(e.target.value); if (index !== null && index !== undefined) { activeChart && activeChart.displayBlanksAs(index); } } showNAAsBlanks(e) { let activeSheet = this.spread.getActiveSheet(); let activeChart = this.getActiveChart(activeSheet); activeChart && activeChart.displayNaNAsBlank(e.target.checked); } } class Panel extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { groupType: '0', chartType: '0' } } render() { return ( <div class="options-container"> <p>Highlight a range of cells, select a chart group and chart type then click “Add Chart” to add the chart to the sheet. Switch the axes with “Switch row/column” or remove the chart(s) with “Remove chart” or “Remove all charts”. </p> <div class="option-row"> <label>Group:</label> <select id="groupSelect" style={{ width: "160px" }} value={this.state.groupType} onChange={(e) => { this.setState({ groupType: e.target.value }) this.props.changeTypeSelect(e); }}> <option value="0">Column</option> <option value="1">Line</option> <option value="2">Pie</option> <option value="3">Bar</option> <option value="4">Area</option> <option value="5">Scatter</option> <option value="6">Stock</option> </select> </div> <div class="option-row"> <label>Type:</label> <select id="typeSelect" style={{ width: "160px" }} value={this.state.chartType} onChange={(e) => { this.setState({ chartType: e.target.value }) }}></select> </div> <div class="option-row"> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px", "margin-bottom": "15px" }} value="Add Chart" id="insertChart" onClick={(e) => { this.props.insertChart(this.state) }} /> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px" }} value="Switch row/column" id="switchRowColumn" onClick={(e) => { this.props.switchRowColumn(e) }} /> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px" }} value="Remove chart" id="removeChart" onClick={(e) => { this.props.removeChart(e) }} /> <input type="button" style={{ width: "150px", margin: "5px" }} value="Remove all charts" id="removeAllCharts" onClick={(e) => { this.props.removeAllChart(e) }} /> </div> <div class="option-row"> <label>Display Blanks Cells As:</label> <select id="displayBlanksCells" style={{ width: "80px" }} onChange={(e) => { this.props.displayBlanksCells(e) }}> <option value="1" selected="selected">Gaps</option> <option value="2">Zero</option> <option value="0">Connect</option> </select> </div> <div class="option-row"> <input type="checkbox" id="showNAAsBlanks" onClick={(e) => { this.props.showNAAsBlanks(e) }}></input> <label for="showNAAsBlanks">Display #N/A Cells As Blank Cells</label> </div> <div class="option-row"> <input type="checkbox" id="ignoreHidden" checked={this.props.ignoreHidden} onClick={(e) => { this.props.ignoreHiddenRowAndColumn(e) }}></input> <label for="ignoreHidden">Ingore Hidden Rows And Columns</label> </div> </div> ) } }
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