Spread Windows Forms 17
Spread Windows Forms 17.0 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Headers / Customizing the Sheet Corner Appearance / Text Display in the Sheet Corner
In This Topic
    Text Display in the Sheet Corner
    In This Topic

    You can add text to the sheet corner cell of the spreadsheet by setting the Cells property of SheetCorner class or overriding the PaintCell method. The figure shows the results of the example code in this topic.

    Sheet corner with text

    For information about setting text using the SheetCorner properties, see General Style of the Sheet Corner.

    Using Code

    You can assign text to the sheet corner cell by overriding the painting of the cell and painting it with the specified text.


    Copy Code
    class CornerCell : FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.GeneralCellType
       public override void PaintCell(Graphics g, Rectangle r, FarPoint.Win.Spread.Appearance appearance, object value, bool isSelected, bool isLocked, float zoomFactor)
          base.PaintCell(g, r, appearance, "Text", isSelected, isLocked, zoomFactor);
    CornerCell sctextcell = new CornerCell();
    fpSpread1.Sheets[0].SheetCornerStyle.CellType = sctextcell;
    Copy Code
    Public Class SheetCorner
    Inherits FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.GeneralCellType
       Public Overrides Sub PaintCell(ByVal g As System.Drawing.Graphics, ByVal r As System.Drawing.Rectangle, ByVal appearance As FarPoint.Win.Spread.Appearance, ByVal value As Object, ByVal isSelected As Boolean, ByVal isLocked As Boolean, ByVal zoomFactor As Single)
          MyBase.PaintCell(g, r, appearance, "Text", isSelected, isLocked, zoomFactor)
       End Sub
    End Class
    Dim sctextcell As New SheetCorner()
    fpSpread1.Sheets(0).SheetCornerStyle.CellType = sctextcell
    See Also