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RowColumnChangedEventArgs Class

RowColumnChangedEventArgs Class

Provides arguments for rows or columns changed events.






  • Initializes a new instance of the @see:RowColumnChangedEventArgs class.


    • index: number

      The start index of the changed rows or columns.

    • count: number

      The added or removed count of the rows or columns.

    • added: boolean

      The value indicates the event is for adding ot removing rows or columns.

    • isCol: boolean

      Determines whether the changes are related to columns or rows.

    Returns RowColumnChangedEventArgs

  • Initializes a new instance of the RowColumnChangedEventArgs class.


    • ranges: CellRange[]

      An array of CellRange instances that determines the changed rows or columns.

    • added: boolean

      The value indicates the event is for adding ot removing rows or columns.

    • isCol: boolean

      Determines whether the changes are related to columns or rows.

    Returns RowColumnChangedEventArgs



added: boolean

Gets the value indicates the event is for adding ot removing rows or columns.


count: number

Gets the added or removed count of the rows or columns. Returns -1 if an array of CellRange objects containing more than 1 element was used when creating the instance.


index: number

Gets the start index of the changed rows or columns. Returns -1 if an array of CellRange objects containing more than 1 element was used when creating the instance.


ranges: CellRange[]

Gets an array of CellRange instances that determines the changed rows or columns.

Static empty

empty: EventArgs

Provides a value to use with events that do not have event data.