ActiveReports 14 .NET Edition
ActiveReports 14 User Guide / Concepts / Section Report Concepts / Section Report Toolbox
In This Topic
    Section Report Toolbox
    In This Topic

    When a Section report has focus in Visual Studio, the ActiveReports 14 Section Report toolbox group offers a number of report controls that you can use when creating a section report. You can drag these from the toolbox and drop them onto your section reports. These tools are different than those in the Toolbox.

    Note: Take care in naming report controls, as they are displayed to end users in the advanced search feature of the Viewer.

    In this section

    The label is used to display descriptive text for a control and helps the user to describe the data displayed in a report.
    TextBox (Section Report)
    The text box is a basic reporting control that allows direct display and editing of unformatted text.
    CheckBox (Page Report)
    The checkbox gives the user an option of yes or no and true or false.
    The rich text box control allows the user to enter rich text in the form of formatted text, tables, hyperlinks, images, etc.
    The shape is a user interface element that allows to draw shapes on the screen.
    This control displays images files on the screen and also performs functions like resizing and cropping of images being used.
    Line (Section Report)
    The line visually draws boundaries or highlights specific areas of a report.
    Page Break
    The PageBreak control is used when you need to stop printing a report inside the selected section and resume it on a new page.
    Barcode (Section Report)
    The BarCode control allows you to choose from several barcode styles available, and bind them to a data source.
    SubReport (Section Report)
    Use the subreport control as a placeholder for data from a separate report. Use code to connect the separate report to the subreport control.
    Ole Object
    You can add an OLE object, bound to a database or unbound, directly to your report. 
    Note: The OleObject control is not displayed in the toolbox by default, because it is obsolete, and is only available for backward compatibility.

    You can use the ChartControl for a graphical presentation of data in a report. There are numerous chart types that you can use to easily design and render data.

    Report Info
    The ReportInfo control allows you to quickly display page numbers, page counts and report dates.
    Cross Section Controls
    The CrossSectionLine and CrossSectionBox controls provide visual boundaries and highlight specific areas of your report that span multiple report sections. This CrossSectionLine control is a vertical line that starts in the header section and spans the intervening sections until it ends in the footer. (For a horizontal or diagonal line, use the Line control.) The CrossSectionBox control starts in the header section and spans any intervening sections to end in the related footer section.
    See Also