Web API Explorer ASP.NET Web API Explorer

Financial Chart

Financial Chart



Export Format :
Height :
Width :
Export Name :


This sample demonstrates how to export a MVC Financial FlexChart to image file.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using WebApiExplorer.Models;

namespace WebApiExplorer.Controllers
    public partial class MVCFlexChartController : Controller
        public ActionResult FinancialChart()
            List<FinanceData> financeDatas = new List<FinanceData>() { };

            DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2013, 1, 1);
            var rand = new Random();
            double high, low, open, close;
            for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++)
                DateTime dt = startTime.AddDays(i);

                if (i > 0)
                    open = financeDatas[i - 1].Close;
                    open = 1000;

                high = open + rand.NextDouble() * 50;
                low = open - rand.NextDouble() * 50;

                close = low + rand.NextDouble() * (high - low);
                financeDatas.Add(new FinanceData { X = dt, High = high, Low = low, Open = open, Close = close });

            ViewBag.DemoSettingsModel = new ClientSettingsModel
                Settings = CreateFinacialChartSettings()

            ViewBag.Options = _flexChartModel;
            return View(financeDatas);

        private static IDictionary<string, object[]> CreateFinacialChartSettings()
            var settings = new Dictionary<string, object[]>
                {"ChartType", new object[]{"Candlestick", "HighLowOpenClose"}},

            return settings;
@model List<FinanceData>
    ViewBag.DemoSettings = true;
    ClientSettingsModel demoSettingsModel = ViewBag.DemoSettingsModel;
    ImageExportOptions optionsModel = ViewBag.Options;
<script type="text/javascript">
    var tooltipContent = function (ht) {
        var item = ht.series.collectionView.items[ht.pointIndex];
        return '@Resources.MVCFlexChart.FinancialChart_Date' + wijmo.Globalize.format(ht.x, 'MMM-dd') + '<br/>' +
                    '@Resources.MVCFlexChart.FinancialChart_High' + item.High.toFixed() + '<br/>' +
                    '@Resources.MVCFlexChart.FinancialChart_Low' + item.Low.toFixed() + '<br/>' +
                    '@Resources.MVCFlexChart.FinancialChart_Open' + item.Open.toFixed() + '<br/>' +
                    '@Resources.MVCFlexChart.FinancialChart_Close' + item.Close.toFixed();
@(Html.C1().FlexChart().Id(optionsModel.ControlId).ChartType(C1.Web.Mvc.Chart.ChartType.Candlestick).Bind("X", Model).Series(sers =>
    }).SymbolSize(4).AxisX(x => x.Format("MMM-dd")).Tooltip(tt => tt.Content("tooltipContent")))

@section Settings{
    @Html.Partial("_ImageExportOptions", optionsModel)

@section Description{