Web API Explorer ASP.NET Web API Explorer

Disable Server Reading

Disable Server Reading



Export Name :


This sample shows how to export mvc flexgrid to excel with the DisableServerRead property. When it is set to True, all the items will be transferred to the client side. So it just exports the current flexgrid with all the data in client. Otherwise, will obtain the data from server side first, then export the flexgrid with all data to excel file.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using WebApiExplorer.Models;
using C1.Web.Mvc;

namespace WebApiExplorer.Controllers
    public partial class MVCFlexGridController : Controller
        private readonly GridExportImportOptions _flexGridDisableServerReadModel = new GridExportImportOptions
            NeedExport = true,
            NeedImport = false,
            IncludeColumnHeaders = true

        private readonly ControlOptions _disableServerReadSetting = new ControlOptions
            Options = new OptionDictionary
                {"Disable Server Read",new OptionItem{Values = new List<string> {"True", "False"},CurrentValue = "True"}}

        public ActionResult DisableServerRead(FormCollection collection)
            IValueProvider data = collection;
            if (CallbackManager.CurrentIsCallback)
                var request = CallbackManager.GetCurrentCallbackData<CollectionViewRequest<object>>();
                if (request != null && request.ExtraRequestData != null)
                    var extraData = request.ExtraRequestData.Cast<DictionaryEntry>()
                        .ToDictionary(kvp => (string)kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.ToString());
                    data = new DictionaryValueProvider<string>(extraData, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            ViewBag.DemoOptions = _disableServerReadSetting;
            ViewBag.Options = _flexGridDisableServerReadModel;
            return View(Sale.GetData(500));
@using WebApiExplorer.Models
@model IEnumerable<Sale>

    ControlOptions optionsModel = ViewBag.DemoOptions;
    GridExportImportOptions exportOptionsModel = ViewBag.Options;
    ViewBag.DemoSettings = true;

    .Bind(b => b.DisableServerRead(Convert.ToBoolean(optionsModel.Options["Disable Server Read"].CurrentValue)).InitialItemsCount(10).Bind(Model))

@section Settings{
    @Html.Partial("_OptionsMenu", optionsModel)
    @Html.Partial("_FlexGridOptions", exportOptionsModel)

@section Description{