FlexChart | ComponentOne
Chart Types / WinForms Line Charts
In This Topic
    WinForms Line Charts
    In This Topic

    WinForms Line Charts

    Line charts are the most basic charts that are created by connecting the data points with straight lines. These charts are used to visualize a trend in data as they compare values against periodic intervals such as time, temperature etc. Closing prices of a stock in a given time frame, monthly average sale of a product are some good example that can be well demonstrated through a line chart.

    Line symbol chart is a slight variation of line chart and is displayed with markers on the data points. These charts are used when it is required to know the exact data points which have been used to plot the chart.

    Line Chart

    Line Symbol Chart

    WinForms Line Chart WinForms Line Symbol Chart

    WinForms Spline Charts

    Spline charts are a variation of line charts as they connect the data points using smooth curves instead of straight lines. Apart from the aesthetic aspect, these charts are preferred for displaying a gradual change in trend. Just like line chart, closing prices of a stock or life cycle of a product can be well demonstrated through a spline chart.

    Spline symbol chart is a version of spline chart that is displayed with markers on the data points. These charts are used when it is required to know the exact data points which have been used to plot the chart.

    Spline Chart

    Spline Symbol Chart

    WinForms Spline Chart WinForms Spline symbol chart

    WinForms Step Charts

    Step charts use vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points to form a step-like progression. These charts are generally used to demonstrate the sudden change in data that might occur on irregular intervals and remains constant till the next change. These charts can be used to plot the change in commodity prices, change in tax rate against income etc.

    Step symbol chart is a slight variation of step chart and is displayed with markers on the data points. These charts are used when it is required to know the exact data points which have been used to plot the chart.

    Step Chart

    Step Symbol Chart

    WinForms Step Chart WinForms Step Symbol Chart

    Create a WinForms Line Chart

    With FlexChart, you can create these line charts by setting the ChartType property of FlexChart class as shown in the table below. This property accepts the values from ChartType enumeration of C1.Chart namespace.

    Chart Type Value of ChartType property
    Line Line
    Line Symbol LineSymbols
    Spline Spline
    Spline Symbol SplineSymbols
    Step Step
    Step Symbol StepSymbols

    FlexChart also provides option to stack and rotate the line charts. You can set the Stacking property of FlexChart class to Stacked or Stacked100pc for stacked or stacked100 line charts respectively. This property accepts the values from Stacking enumeration of C1.Chart namespace. To rotate the line chart, that is to render the X axis vertically and Y axis horizontally, you can set the Rotated property to true.

    For symbol charts, by default, FlexChart renders a circular symbol and a standard size and style. However, you can change the same by setting the SymbolMarker, SymbolSize and SymbolStyle properties of the series.

    To create a line chart using FlexChart:

    At design-time

    1. Right click the FlexChart control on form to open the Properties window.
    2. Navigate to the ChartType property and set its value to Line to create a simple line chart.
    3. Set the data source using the DataSource property.
    4. Configure X-axis and Y-axis values by setting the BindingX and Binding property respectively.

    Using code

    To create a WinForms line chart through code, the first step after initializing the control is to clear the default series and add a new series using the Add method. Set up the data source through the DataSource property and configure the X and Y axes by setting the BindingX and Binding property. You also need to set up the chart by setting the ChartType property and other required properties.

    //Selecting chart's type 
    this.flexChart1.ChartType = C1.Chart.ChartType.Line;
    //Setting chart's Header and styling it
    this.flexChart1.Header.Content = "DateWise Revenue";
    //Adding a Series to chart and binding it (AxisY) to 'Revenue' field of DataCollection
    this.flexChart1.Series.Add(new C1.Win.Chart.Series
        //Name property specifies the string to be displayed corresponding to this Series in Legend
        Name = "Sales",
        Binding = "Revenue",              
    //Binding chart's AxisX to 'Date' so Dates are shown in Horizontal axis
    this.flexChart1.BindingX = "Date";
    //Passing data to FlexChart
    this.flexChart1.DataSource = GetProductRevenue();
            ''' <summary>
            ''' Method for initializing Flexchart
            ''' </summary>
            Public Sub SetupChart()
                'Just to improve rendering performance
    #Region "setupchart"
                'Selecting chart's type 
                Me.flexChart1.ChartType = C1.Chart.ChartType.Line
                'Setting chart's Header and styling it
                Me.flexChart1.Header.Content = "DateWise Revenue"
                'Adding a Series to chart and binding it (AxisY) to 'Revenue' field of DataCollection
                'Name property specifies the string to be displayed corresponding to this Series in Legend
                Me.flexChart1.Series.Add(New C1.Win.Chart.Series() With {
                      .Name = "Sales",
                      .Binding = "Revenue"
                'Binding chart's AxisX to 'Date' so Dates are shown in Horizontal axis
                Me.flexChart1.BindingX = "Date"
                'Passing data to FlexChart
                Me.flexChart1.DataSource = GetProductRevenue()

    Note that the above sample code uses a custom method named GetProductRevenue to supply data. You can set up the data source as per your requirements.

    public List<Product> GetProductRevenue()
        List<Product> _list = new List<Product>();
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Desktop", Date = new DateTime(2018, 04, 07), Orders = 265, Revenue = 6625 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Desktop", Date = new DateTime(2018, 05, 08), Orders = 107, Revenue = 2675 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Mouse", Date = new DateTime(2018, 06, 02), Orders = 56, Revenue = 560 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Mouse", Date = new DateTime(2018, 07, 06), Orders = 572, Revenue = 5720 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Mouse", Date = new DateTime(2018, 08, 05), Orders = 468, Revenue = 4680 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Printer", Date = new DateTime(2018, 09, 02), Orders = 154, Revenue = 2310 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Desktop", Date = new DateTime(2018, 10, 03), Orders = 89, Revenue = 2225 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Desktop", Date = new DateTime(2018, 11, 05), Orders = 347, Revenue = 8675 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Printer", Date = new DateTime(2018, 12, 07), Orders = 204, Revenue = 3060 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Printer", Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 03), Orders = 34, Revenue = 510 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Mouse", Date = new DateTime(2019, 02, 06), Orders = 223, Revenue = 2230 });
        _list.Add(new Product() { Name = "Desktop", Date = new DateTime(2019, 03, 08), Orders = 119, Revenue = 2975 });
        return _list;
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Method for creating 'Product' data collection
    ''' </summary>
    Public Function GetProductRevenue() As List(Of Product)
        Dim _list As New List(Of Product)()
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
             .Name = "Desktop",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 4, 7),
              .Orders = 265,
              .Revenue = 6625
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Desktop",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 5, 8),
              .Orders = 107,
              .Revenue = 2675
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Mouse",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 6, 2),
              .Orders = 56,
              .Revenue = 560
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Mouse",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 7, 6),
              .Orders = 572,
              .Revenue = 5720
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Mouse",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 8, 5),
              .Orders = 468,
              .Revenue = 4680
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Printer",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 9, 2),
              .Orders = 154,
              .Revenue = 2310
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Desktop",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 10, 3),
              .Orders = 89,
              .Revenue = 2225
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Desktop",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 11, 5),
              .Orders = 347,
              .Revenue = 8675
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Printer",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2018, 12, 7),
              .Orders = 204,
              .Revenue = 3060
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Printer",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2019, 1, 3),
              .Orders = 34,
              .Revenue = 510
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Mouse",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2019, 2, 6),
              .Orders = 223,
              .Revenue = 2230
        _list.Add(New Product() With {
              .Name = "Desktop",
              .[Date] = New DateTime(2019, 3, 8),
              .Orders = 119,
              .Revenue = 2975
        Return _list
    End Function
    See Also