Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
Working with C1Report / Object Model Summary
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    Object Model Summary
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    The object model for the C1Report component is largely based on the Microsoft Access model, except that Access has different types of controls (label control, textbox control, line control, and so on), while C1Report has a single Field object with properties that can make it look like a label, textbox, line, picture, subreport, and so on.

    The following table lists all objects, along with their main properties and methods (note that C1Report uses twips for all measurements. One twip is 1/20 point, so 72 points = 1440 twips = 1 inch):

    C1Report Object: the main component
    ReportName, GetReportInfo, Load, Save, Clear, Render, RenderToFile, RenderToStream, PageImages, Document, DoEvents, IsBusy, Cancel, Page, MaxPages, Font, OnOpen, OnClose, OnNoData, OnPage, OnError, Evaluate, Execute
    Layout Object: determines how the report will be rendered on the page
    Width, MarginLeft, MarginTop, MarginRight, MarginBottom, PaperSize, Orientation, Columns, ColumnLayout, PageHeader, PageFooter, Picture, PictureAlign, PictureShow
    DataSource Object: manages the data source
    ConnectionString, RecordSource, Filter, MaxRecords, Recordset
    Groups Collection: a report may have many groups
    Group Object: controls data sorting and grouping
    Name GroupBy, Sort, KeepTogether, SectionHeader, SectionFooter, Move
    Sections Collection: all reports have at least 5 sections
    Section Object: contains Field objects (also known as "report band")
    Name, Type, Visible, BackColor, OnFormat, OnPrint, Height, CanGrow, CanShrink, Repeat, KeepTogether, ForcePageBreak
    Fields Collection: a report usually has many Fields
    Field Object: a rectangular area within a section where information is displayed
    Name, Section, Text, TextDirection, Calculated, Value, Format, Align, WordWrap, Visible, Left, Top, Width, Height, CanGrow, CanShrink, Font, BackColor, ForeColor, BorderColor, BorderStyle, LineSlant, LineWidth, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MarginBottom, LineSpacing, ForcePageBreak, HideDuplicates, RunningSum, Picture, PictureAlign, Subreport, CheckBox, RTF