ComponentOne RichTextBox for WPF
Working with WPF RichTextBox / Spell-Checking / Modal Spell-Checking
In This Topic
    Modal Spell-Checking
    In This Topic

    To implement modal spell checking, you start by adding to your project a reference to the C1.WPF.SpellChecker assembly. Then, add the following code to your project:

    Visual Basic
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    Imports C1.WPF.SpellChecker
    Public Partial Class MainPage
        Inherits UserControl
        ' Spell-checker used by all controls on this page
        Private _spell As New C1SpellChecker()
        ' Page constructor
        Public Sub New()
            ' Regular Standard initialization
            ' Load main spelling dictionary
            AddHandler _spell.MainDictionary.LoadCompleted, AddressOf MainDictionary_LoadCompleted
            ' Load user dictionary
            Dim ud As UserDictionary = _spell.UserDictionary
                ' Other initializations
                ' ...
            AddHandler App.Current.[Exit], AddressOf App_Exit
        End Sub
    End Class

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    using C1.WPF.SpellChecker;
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
      // Spell-checker used by all controls on this page
      C1SpellChecker _spell = new C1SpellChecker();
      // Page constructor
      public MainPage()
        // Standard initialization
        // Load main spelling dictionary
        _spell.MainDictionary.LoadCompleted += MainDictionary_LoadCompleted;
        // Load user dictionary
        UserDictionary ud = _spell.UserDictionary;
        App.Current.Exit += App_Exit;
        // Other initializations
        // ...

    The code creates a new C1SpellChecker object to be shared by all controls on the page that require spell-checking.

    Later, the page constructor invokes the LoadAsync method to load the main spell dictionary. In this case, we are loading C1Spell_en-US.dct, the American English dictionary. This file must be present on the application folder on the server. C1SpellChecker includes over 20 other dictionaries which can be downloaded from our site.

    The code adds a handler to the SpellDictionaryBase.LoadCompleted event so it can detect when the main dictionary finishes loading and whether there were any errors. Here is a typical event handler:

    Visual Basic
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    Private Sub MainDictionary_LoadCompleted(sender As Object, e As OpenReadCompletedEventArgs)
        If e.[Error] IsNot Nothing Then
            MessageBox.Show("Error loading spell dictionary, " & "spell-checking is disabled.")
        End If
    End Sub

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    void MainDictionary_LoadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
      if (e.Error != null)
        MessageBox.Show("Error loading spell dictionary, " +
                        "spell-checking is disabled.");

    The code also loads a user dictionary from isolated storage. This step is optional. The user dictionary stores words such as names and technical terms. The code attaches an event handler to the application's Exit event to save the user dictionary when the application finishes executing:

    Visual Basic
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    Private Sub App_Exit(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        Dim ud As UserDictionary = _spell.UserDictionary
    End Sub

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    void App_Exit(object sender, EventArgs e)
      UserDictionary ud = _spell.UserDictionary;

    Once the dictionary has been loaded, you can invoke the modal spell-checker by calling the C1SpellChecker.CheckControlAsync method. For example:

    Visual Basic
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    Private Sub SpellCheck_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
        AddHandler _spell.CheckControlCompleted, AddressOf _spell_CheckControlCompleted
    End Sub
    Private Sub _spell_CheckControlCompleted(sender As Object, e As CheckControlCompletedEventArgs)
        If Not e.Cancelled Then
            Dim msg = String.Format("Spell-check complete. {0} error(s) found.", e.ErrorCount)
            MessageBox.Show(msg, "Spell-check complete", MessageBoxButton.OK)
        End If
    End Sub

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    private void SpellCheck_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      _spell.CheckControlCompleted += _spell_CheckControlCompleted;
    void _spell_CheckControlCompleted(object sender, CheckControlCompletedEventArgs e)
      if (!e.Cancelled)
        var msg = string.Format(
          "Spell-check complete. {0} error(s) found.", e.ErrorCount);
        MessageBox.Show(msg, "Spell-check complete..", MessageBoxButton.OK);

    The code calls C1SpellChecker.CheckControlAsync. When the modal checking is complete, the C1SpellChecker.CheckControlCompleted event fires and shows a dialog box to indicate that the spell-checking operation is complete.

    The image below shows the spell-checking dialog box in action: