Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing Package / ICrop Interface

In This Topic
    ICrop Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see ICrop members.

    Public Methods
     MethodGets the height of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the x-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the y-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the width of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the height of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodGets the location of the left-side of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodGets the location of the top of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodGets the width of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the height of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the x-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the y-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the width of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the height of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the location of the left-side of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the location of the top of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the width of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
    See Also