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Namespace: GanttSheet


Table of contents



Type aliases

Type aliases


Ƭ Duration: Object

Represents a duration in scheduling. To create a valid duration, please call project.parseDuration method.

property [value] Indicates the value in unit of the duration.

property [unit] Indicates the unit of the value. If not specified, the default unit in GC.Spread.Sheets.GanttSheet.CalendarSettings will be used.

property [time] Indicates the real duration time in milliseconds.

Type declaration

Name Type
time? number
unit? DurationUnit
value? number


Ƭ DurationUnit: "Month" | "Week" | "Day" | "Hour" | "Minute"

description Represents the unit of a duration.


Ƭ GanttGridline: Object

Represents how to draw a gridline on GanttChart.

property lineType The type of the line.

property lineColor The color of the line.

Type declaration

Name Type
lineColor ColorString
lineType GanttGridlineType


Ƭ GanttGridlineInterval: Object

Represents how to draw a gridline with intervals on GanttChart.

property lineType The type of the normal line.

property lineColor The color of the normal line.

property [interval] The interval count. Lines at multiples of the interval value will use the intervalType and intervalColor.

property [intervalLineType] The type of the interval lines.

property [intervalLineColor] The color of the interval lines.

Type declaration

Name Type
interval? number
intervalLineColor? ColorString
intervalLineType? GanttGridlineType
lineColor ColorString
lineType GanttGridlineType


Ƭ GridStyle: Object

Represents the style of a task grid.

property [font] Indicates the font of text.

property [color] Indicates the color of text.

property [backColor] Indicates the back color of text.

property [textDecoration] Indicates the decoration of text.

Type declaration

Name Type
backColor? string
color? string
font? string
textDecoration? TextDecorationType


Ƭ IGanttSheetOptions: Object

Represents the gantt sheet options

property [enableGanttColumn] Whether to show the gantt column. Default is true.

property [allowAddNew] - Whether to allow to add new empty row.

property [sheetTabColor] - A color string used to represent the sheet tab color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
allowAddNew? boolean Whether to allow to add new empty row.
enableGanttColumn? boolean Whether to show the gantt column. Default is true.
sheetTabColor? string A color string used to represent the sheet tab color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.


Ƭ ITaskData: Object

Represents the data to create tasks. It is used in add, insert, and renew tasks methods of project.

property [name] Indicates the name of the task.

property [start] Indicates the start date of the task.

property [finish] Indicates the finish date of the task.

property [duration] Indicates the duration of the task.

property [mode] Indicates the scheduling mode of the task.

property {Object.<string, GC.Spread.Sheets.GanttSheet.TaskbarStyle>} [barStyles] Indicates the bar styles of the task.

Type declaration

Name Type
barStyles? { [key: string]: TaskbarStyle; }
duration? Duration
finish? Date
mode? TaskScheduleMode
name? string
start? Date


Ƭ ITaskDependency: Object

Represents a couple of parameters for adding task dependencies.

property fromTaskNumber Indicates the number of the task which the dependency is from.

property toTaskNumber Indicates the number of the task which the dependency is to.

property [type] Optional. Indicates the dependency type. The default is 'FS' (Finish to Start).

Type declaration

Name Type
fromTaskNumber number
toTaskNumber number
type? TaskDependencyType


Ƭ NonWorkingTimeDrawMode: "Behind" | "None"

description Represents how to draw the non-working time area in GanttChart.


Ƭ TaskDependencyType: "FS" | "SS" | "FF" | "SF"

description Represents the type for task dependency.


Ƭ TaskScheduleMode: "Auto" | "Manual"

description Represents the scheduling mode for tasks.


Ƭ TaskStyle: Object

the task style

property [name] The task style name.

property [taskbarStyle] The task bar part style.

property [gridStyle] The task grid part style.

Type declaration

Name Type
gridStyle? GridStyle
name? string
taskbarStyle? TaskbarStyle


Ƭ TaskbarEndShape: "arrowDown" | "arrowUp" | "caretDownTop" | "caretUpBottom" | "circle" | "circleArrowDown" | "circleArrowUp" | "circleDiamond" | "circleTriangleDown" | "circleTriangleUp" | "diamond" | "houseDown" | "houseUp" | "leftBracket" | "leftFade" | "lineShape" | "rightBracket" | "rightFade" | "square" | "star" | "triangleDown" | "triangleLeft" | "triangleRight" | "triangleUp"

description Represents the shapes for taskbar start part and end part.


Ƭ TaskbarEndType: "solid" | "dashed" | "framed"

description Represents the drawing type for taskbar end shapes.


Ƭ TaskbarFillPattern: "hollow" | "solidFill" | "lightFill" | "mediumFill" | "darkFill" | "diagonalRight" | "diagonalLeft" | "diagonalCross" | "lineVertical" | "lineHorizontal" | "lineCross" | "dashedBorder"

description Represents the fill pattern for taskbar middle part or non working time area in GanttChart.


Ƭ TaskbarLinkMode: "noLinks" | "toEnd" | "toTop"

description Represents how to draw the link lines between task bars.


Ƭ TaskbarMiddleShape: "rectangleBar" | "lineTop" | "lineMiddle" | "lineBottom" | "rectangleTop" | "rectangleMiddle" | "rectangleBottom"

description Represents the shapes for task bar middle part.


Ƭ TaskbarStyle: Object

Represents the style of a task bar.

property [startShape] Indicates the shape of the start part.

property [startType] Indicates the type of the start part.

property [startColor] Indicates the color of the start part.

property [endShape] Indicates the shape of the end part.

property [endType] Indicates the type of the end part.

property [endColor] Indicates the color of the end part.

property [middleShape] Indicates the shape of the middle part.

property [middlePattern] Indicates the fill pattern of the middle part.

property [middleColor] Indicates the color of the middle part.

property [leftText] Indicates the name of a task field or formula, which value will be displayed as text at left side of the bar.

property [leftTextStyle] Indicates the the style of the taskbar's left task field.

property [rightText] Indicates the name of a task field or formula, which value will be displayed as text at right side of the bar.

property [rightTextStyle] Indicates the the style of the taskbar's left task field.

property [topText] Indicates the name of a task field or formula, which value will be displayed as text above the bar.

property [topTextStyle] Indicates the the style of the taskbar's left task field.

property [bottomText] Indicates the name of a task field or formula, which value will be displayed as text below the bar.

property [bottomTextStyle] Indicates the the style of the taskbar's left task field.

property [insideText] Indicates the name of a task field or formula, which value will be displayed as text inside the bar.

property [insideTextStyle] Indicates the the style of the taskbar's left task field.

Type declaration

Name Type
bottomText? string
bottomTextStyle? TextStyle
endColor? ColorString
endShape? TaskbarEndShape
endType? TaskbarEndType
insideText? string
insideTextStyle? TextStyle
leftText? string
leftTextStyle? TextStyle
middleColor? ColorString
middlePattern? TaskbarFillPattern
middleShape? TaskbarMiddleShape
rightText? string
rightTextStyle? TextStyle
startColor? ColorString
startShape? TaskbarEndShape
startType? TaskbarEndType
topText? string
topTextStyle? TextStyle


Ƭ TaskbarStyleRuleName: "projectSummary" | "summary" | "manualSummary" | "task" | "manualTask" | "milestone" | "manualMilestone" | "progress" | "manualProgress" | "startOnly" | "finishOnly" | "durationOnly" | "startOnlyMilestone" | "finishOnlyMilestone" | "durationOnlyMilestone"

description Represents the names for built-in taskbar style rules. Used for project.taskStyleRules.getRule method.


Ƭ TextStyle: Object

Represents the text style for timescale and task bars on GanttChart.

property [font] Indicates the font of text.

property [color] Indicates the color of text.

property [textDecoration] Indicates the decoration of text.

Type declaration

Name Type
color? ColorString
font? string
textDecoration? TextDecorationType


Ƭ Time: Object

Represents a time value that contains hours and minutes.

property hour Indicates the hours for this time. Could be 0 to 24.

property minute Indicates the minutes for this time. Could be 0 to 59.

Type declaration

Name Type
hour number
minute number


Ƭ TimescaleLabelFormatter: (date: Date, project: Project) => string

Type declaration

▸ (date, project): string

This callback is used to format timescale labels.

Name Type Description
date Date Specifies the date to be formatted.
project Project The project of this timescale. Could use the start date, calendar settings, or other data in the formatting.



Ƭ WorkDay: WorkTime[]

Represents the work periods in one day.


Ƭ WorkTime: Object

Represents a work period in one day defined by a start time and end time.

property start Indicates the start time. Could be 0:00 to 23:59.

property end Indicates the end time. Could be 0:01 t0 24:00.

Type declaration

Name Type
end Time
start Time