Spread Windows Forms 17
FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win Namespace / DrawFocusRectangle Enumeration

In This Topic
    DrawFocusRectangle Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the display and location of the focus rectangle.
    Public Enum DrawFocusRectangle 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As DrawFocusRectangle
    public enum DrawFocusRectangle : System.Enum 
    AroundEdgeDraws a focus rectangle around the edge of the element
    AroundPictureDraws a focus rectangle around the picture only
    AroundTextDraws a focus rectangle around the text only
    AroundTextAndPictureDraws a focus rectangle around the text and the picture
    DefaultInherits the focus rectangle from the system settings
    NoneDoes not display the focus rectangle
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also