Spread Windows Forms 17
GrapeCity.Win.PluginInputMan Assembly / GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType Namespace / GcMask Class / Dispose Method / Dispose(Boolean) Method
True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.

In This Topic
    Dispose(Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ElementContainerControl and and its child controls or elements and optionally releases the managed resources.
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose( _
       ByVal disposing As Boolean _
    Dim instance As GcMask
    Dim disposing As Boolean
    protected override void Dispose( 
       bool disposing


    True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
    Call Dispose(Boolean) when you are finished using the System.Windows.Forms.Control. The Dispose(Boolean) method leaves the System.Windows.Forms.Control in an unusable state. After calling Dispose(Boolean), you must release all references to the System.Windows.Forms.Control so the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the System.Windows.Forms.Control was occupying.
    See Also