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FlexSheet Data-binding

FlexSheet can be bound to a datasource just like FlexGrid. In bound mode, you can add a bound sheet and define columns with bindings.

import * as wjGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid';
import * as wjFlexSheet from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.sheet';

//init FlexSheet
let boundSheet = new wjFlexSheet.FlexSheet('#boundSheet');
boundSheet.addBoundSheet('Country', getData(50));
boundSheet.deferUpdate(() => {
    let column = boundSheet.columns.getColumn('countryId');
    if (column && !column.dataMap) {
        column.dataMap = buildDataMap(getCountries());
    column = boundSheet.columns.getColumn('productId');
    if (column && !column.dataMap) {
        column.dataMap = buildDataMap(getProducts());
    column = boundSheet.columns.getColumn('amount');
    if (column) {
        column.format = 'c2';
// build a data map from a string array using the indices as keys
function buildDataMap(items) {
    let map = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        map.push({ key: i, value: items[i] });
    return new wjGrid.DataMap(map, 'key', 'value');