Version 1
SearchBox Interface ISearchOptions GrapeCity DataViewsJS Interface

ISearchOptions Interface

Defines VisualSearch options


  • ISearchOptions


Optional cascading

cascading: boolean

Enables cascading behavior when you have facets that depend on each other.

Optional caseInsensitive

caseInsensitive: boolean

Specifies whether the menu data when search is case insensitive.


container: string

An unique identifier for the searchbox container

Optional facets

facets: AnyProps

An object for users to customize the search facet

Optional localeResource

localeResource: ILocaleResource

Specifies localization strings that can be overridden

Optional showButtons

showButtons: boolean

Specifies whether to show the OK and Cancel buttons for the multiple selection action.

Optional spaceAsCharacter

spaceAsCharacter: boolean

Specifies whether the space character can be entered as input or used for the multiple selection action.