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To view multi-frame images such as .gif, .tiff or .ico files, DsImageViewer provides navigation buttons in the toolbar.

Below image shows how a navigation button group appears in the toolbar.


The navigation button group contains the following components:

Navigation Button Icons

Navigation Button Names



Go to first

Opens the first frame of the image directly.


Go to previous

Navigates to the previous frame of the image.



Displays index of the existing frame. Also, lets you specify the index you want to jump to.


Go to next

Opens the next frame of the image.


Go to last

Navigates directly to the last frame of the image.

Using code

To navigate to a particular frame through code, you can specify frameIndex property of the viewer class once image has loaded in the viewer completely. You can fetch the total number of frames in an active image by using the framesCount property.

function loadImageViewer() {
    // initialize image viewer
    var viewer = new DsImageViewer("#imageviewer");

    // open an image and wait for it to load completely
    viewer.open("Multi_page24bpp.tif", { imageFormat: 3 });

    // wait for image to load completely using onAfterOpen event and then set frameIndex
    viewer.onAfterOpen.register(function () {

        // set frame index i.e., change active frame programmatically
        viewer.frameIndex = 2;

        // use the framesCount property to get total frames count for the active image
        console.log("Active image frames count is: " + viewer.framesCount);