GcProps: { autocomplete?: string | "on" | "off" | "name" | "honorific-prefix" | "given-name" | "additional-name" | "family-name" | "honorific-suffix" | "nickname" | "email" | "username" | "new-password" | "current-password" | "one-time-code" | "organization-title" | "organization" | "street-address" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "address-level4" | "address-level3" | "address-level2" | "address-level1" | "country" | "country-name" | "postal-code" | "cc-name" | "cc-given-name" | "cc-additional-name" | "cc-family-name" | "cc-number" | "cc-exp" | "cc-exp-month" | "cc-exp-year" | "cc-csc" | "cc-type" | "transaction-currency" | "transaction-amount" | "language" | "bday" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "bday-year" | "sex" | "tel" | "tel-country-code" | "tel-national" | "tel-area-code" | "tel-local" | "tel-local-prefix" | "tel-local-suffix" | "tel-extension" | "impp" | "url" | "photo"; autofocus?: boolean; defaultvalue?: string; disabled?: boolean; displayname?: string; inputmode?: "numeric" | "string"; max?: any; maxlength?: number; min?: any; minlength?: number; multiline?: boolean; multiple?: boolean; orderindex?: number; pattern?: string; placeholder?: string; readonly?: boolean; required?: boolean; spellcheck?: "true" | "false"; title?: string; type?: "text" | "date" | "time" | "month" | "week" | "number" | "tel" | "search" | "textarea" | string; validateoninput?: boolean; validationmessage?: string }

Additional appearance and behavior properties for the input field.

Type declaration

  • Optional autocomplete?: string | "on" | "off" | "name" | "honorific-prefix" | "given-name" | "additional-name" | "family-name" | "honorific-suffix" | "nickname" | "email" | "username" | "new-password" | "current-password" | "one-time-code" | "organization-title" | "organization" | "street-address" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "address-level4" | "address-level3" | "address-level2" | "address-level1" | "country" | "country-name" | "postal-code" | "cc-name" | "cc-given-name" | "cc-additional-name" | "cc-family-name" | "cc-number" | "cc-exp" | "cc-exp-month" | "cc-exp-year" | "cc-csc" | "cc-type" | "transaction-currency" | "transaction-amount" | "language" | "bday" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "bday-year" | "sex" | "tel" | "tel-country-code" | "tel-national" | "tel-area-code" | "tel-local" | "tel-local-prefix" | "tel-local-suffix" | "tel-extension" | "impp" | "url" | "photo"

    The autocomplete attribute lets web developers specify what if any permission the user agent has to provide automated assistance in filling out form field values, as well as guidance to the browser as to the type of information expected in the field. Note, the behavior of this property depends on the browser implementation.
    See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/autocomplete
    See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill

  • Optional autofocus?: boolean

    Indicates whether a field should automatically get focus when the Form filler dialog is activated or when the page loads.

  • Optional defaultvalue?: string

    The default value.

  • Optional disabled?: boolean

    Indicates whether a field is disabled, or not.

  • Optional displayname?: string

    Use the displayname property to specify the text that will appear as a field label in the Form Filler dialog box. Applicable only for the Form Filler dialog box.

  • Optional inputmode?: "numeric" | "string"

    If your recommended (or required) password syntax rules would benefit from an alternate text entry interface than the standard keyboard, you can use the inputmode property to request a specific one. The most obvious use case for this is if the password is required to be numeric (such as a PIN). Mobile devices with virtual keyboards, for example, may opt to switch to a numeric keypad layout instead of a full keyboard, to make entering the password easier.

  • Optional max?: any

    The maximum value to accept for the input. Applicable for date or number input.

  • Optional maxlength?: number

    The maximum number of characters the input should accept.

  • Optional min?: any

    The minimum value to accept for the input. Applicable for date or number input.

  • Optional minlength?: number

    The minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid.

  • Optional multiline?: boolean

    Set this property to true if you want to use multiline text input element.

  • Optional multiple?: boolean

    A boolean property which, if present, indicates that the user can enter a list of multiple e-mail addresses, separated by commas and, optionally, whitespace characters.

  • Optional orderindex?: number
  • Optional pattern?: string

    The pattern property specifies a regular expression that the field value is checked against.


    pattern for email validation: "\S+@\S+\.\S+"
  • Optional placeholder?: string

    Represents the placeholder text in an input or textarea element when value is empty.

  • Optional readonly?: boolean

    Indicates whether the field is read-only, or not.

  • Optional required?: boolean

    When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled.

  • Optional spellcheck?: "true" | "false"

    The spellcheck property is an enumerated attribute defines whether the element may be checked for spelling errors Note that the spellcheck property may have limited support by some browser vendors.
    See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/text#spellcheck

  • Optional title?: string

    Use the title property to specify text that most browsers will display as a tooltip.

  • Optional type?: "text" | "date" | "time" | "month" | "week" | "number" | "tel" | "search" | "textarea" | string

    State of the input type attribute.
    See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/ section "4.10.5 The input element" for other input types.

  • Optional validateoninput?: boolean

    True indicates whether validation should be performed immediately during user input, otherwise input validation will be performed on blur event.

  • Optional validationmessage?: string

    Representing a localized message that describes the validation constraints that the control does not satisfy (if any).