Calculation Service

SpreadJS gives you the ability to suspend the evaluation of formulas and switch the calculation mode to manual using the calculate API.

Suspend Calculation Service Users can suspend the calculation service for a better experience when calling API in batches. For example: Calculation Options SpreadJS supports a CalculationMode which can be set to manual or automatic. Automatic Calculation (default) Calculate all dirty cells every time the relevant data is changed, like when something has been entered or copy-pasted in a cell. Manual Calculation Only evaluate a formula when that formula is entered or updated, and keep its dependencies dirty. When cutting/copying-pasting, this mode will set the formula and the cell value, but won’t recalculate any formulas. Calculate API You can force calculation by calling the calculate API. The Calculate function will rebuild, mark dirty, broadcast dirty and calculate the dirty cells. First rebuild and mark cells in the formula reference as dirty using the calculation type. The list of `GC.Spread.Sheets.CalculationType` is as follows: all - The default calculation type that mark cells in the range as dirty for calculation. rebuild - Rebuild all the formula models in the range and then mark them as dirty for calculation. minimal - Keep the current cell calculation dirty status. regular - Mark the volatile and circular reference cells as dirty for calculation. Broadcasting dirty cells will recursively set the dependents of dirty cells to dirty in the workbook. The last step is calculate. In automatic mode, all the dirty cells will be calculated. In manual mode, only the cells in the formula reference are calculated, other cells will keep their dirty state. For example:
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(_getElementById("ss")); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); spread.setSheetCount(2); var sheet2 = spread.sheets[1]; spread.suspendPaint(); spread.suspendCalcService(); spread.options.iterativeCalculationMaximumIterations = 1; spread.options.iterativeCalculationMaximumChange = 10; sheet.setValue(0,0,"Tick:"); sheet.setFormula(0,1,"=REFRESH(B1+1,2,80)"); sheet.setValue(2,0,"Value:"); sheet.setFormula(2,1,"=IFERROR(CHOOSE(MOD(B1,16),5,-5,20,-2),0)+RAND()"); sheet.setValue(0,4,"Values:"); sheet.getRange(1,4,60,1).formula("=IF(MOD($B$1,60)=(ROW()-2),$B$3,E2)", true); sheet2.setValue(0,6,"Values:"); sheet2.getRange(1,6,60,1).formula("=OFFSET(Sheet1!$E$2,MOD(Sheet1!$B$1-1+ROW(),60),0)", true); sheet.setValue(1,6,'Value Sparkline:'); sheet.addSpan(2,6,6,6); sheet.setFormula(2,6,'=LINESPARKLINE(E2:E61,0,,,)'); sheet.setValue(10,6,'Sheet2 reorder values:'); sheet.addSpan(11,6,6,6); sheet.setFormula(11,6,'=LINESPARKLINE(Sheet2!G2:G61,0,,,)'); spread.resumeCalcService(); spread.resumePaint(); bindEvent(spread); } function bindEvent (spread) { _getElementById("enableCalcService").addEventListener('change', function () { if (this.checked) { spread.resumeCalcService(); } else { spread.suspendCalcService(); } }); _getElementById("calculationMode").addEventListener('change', function () { console.log(JSON.stringify(this.value)); if (this.value === "0") { spread.options.calculationMode =; spread.calculate(false); } else { spread.options.calculationMode = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalculationMode.manual; } }); _getElementById("calculateSpread").addEventListener('click', function () { let type = _getElementById("calculationType").value; spread.calculate(GC.Spread.Sheets.CalculationType[type]); }); _getElementById("calculateSheet").addEventListener('click', function () { let type = _getElementById("calculationType").value; spread.calculate(GC.Spread.Sheets.CalculationType[type], spread.getActiveSheet().name()); }); _getElementById("calculateRange").addEventListener('click', function () { let type = _getElementById("calculationType").value; let sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); let range = sheet.getSelections()[0]; spread.calculate(GC.Spread.Sheets.CalculationType[type],"!"+GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.rangeToFormula(range)); }); } function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
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