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Develop apps to meet current software needs

In many cases, organizations utilize the same programs for years until they become antiquated and produce more costs than the budget can afford. With the emergence of mobile devices and initiatives to incorporate this technology, a lot of software that was traditionally used for work is now outdated by the standards of the fast-paced work environment. In other instances, businesses may simply outgrow their application as the amount of staff increases and the company grows. Whichever situation occurs, it will be important for decision-makers to consider what new programs to implement and how to effectively leverage them for advantages.

Organizations with legacy systems may also have outmoded approaches to researching software options, and with the mobile app myths that have emerged, it can send developers down the wrong path. MediaPost contributor Raj Aggarwal noted that businesses will need analytics to help track key engagement metrics, and decision-makers should position mobile as a cornerstone of their strategies. The statistics will show how successful the app is in improving production while the policy will act to boost mobile penetration and guide further innovation. When using analytics, though, IT must be careful to look at the whole picture and not just the number of downloads. While thousands of people may install the app, for example, if they only use it once and then choose to leverage another program, it significantly throws off the actual measure of the software's success.

"Companies typically judge the effectiveness of an acquisition campaign on downloads alone, but not all downloads generate actual users," Aggarwal wrote. "There is not a one-to-one correlation between people who download your app and people who use your app. Downloads alone can't show the long-term value of mobile users to your business."

The right way to create company software
As more business programs become outdated, app developers must consider the tools in their component suites and how they can make software that will better meet user standards. CloudTweaks contributor Jon Roskill noted that app builders will need to factor in new and emerging technology like the cloud, ensure compatibility across devices, gauge potential ROI and provide continual support and user training. These elements, along with comprehensive program testing, will be essential to appealing to employees and guaranteeing that flaws are patched as quickly as possible.

Applications and software are substantially different than they were even a few years ago. Most programs are now being built for user experience, with familiar interfaces and easy navigation. This is due to the fact that if the software does not have the right features or is difficult to work with, employees will seek their own alternatives. Developers can mitigate this by creating apps with the user in mind and ensuring that the product will meet all expectations.

"Your new system should fit your business; you shouldn't have to adapt to it," Roskill wrote. "You may have some software in place that is essential to your business. Can you migrate your existing data? Will your new system be able to communicate with it?"


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