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Rethinking app development strategies to create the perfect program

When it comes to creating a successful application, it can be challenging to strike a balance between what the users want and what the developer is able to do. Some coding methods are better than others, depending on the features required within the program and the various functions the application will need to perform on a regular basis. While it would make sense to evaluate each goal separately, many developers believe their coding approach will work for virtually any occasion, which is often not the case. This practice can lead to clunky navigation, inadequate features and general user dissatisfaction. In order to produce a profitable application, programmers may need to rethink their strategy and use a mix of languages to make the perfect blend of tools.

While some developers may shudder to get away from their coveted .NET components or specific skill set, it may be necessary in order to meet complex user demands. Many app builders believe their particular favored coding language is the silver bullet needed to deliver a successful program and may not want to experiment with new approaches, but this will narrow their opportunities to create a truly profitable product. InfoWorld contributor Paul Venezia noted that the process of moving from one language to another will take time, but will be worth it in the end. While most developers will get frustrated with new methods of operating and return to methods they know, they are missing out on the different options and reflexes they can leverage.

"Once we've written something a few dozen times, we stop seeing the logic behind it," Venezia wrote. "We just know that we drop this function in place, feed it and get what we want back from it. A few years down the road, if we look at the same function through the eyes of a different language, we might see optimizations that we hadn't before. New eyes on old code can be both wonderful and terrible at the same time."

Leveraging the capabilities of Web apps
In many cases, building native programs is still more the more popular option over creating a Web-based alternative, but this means more work for the developers. An HTML5 form enables app builders to write the code once and deploy it over a range of devices, saving both money and time in the process. However, according to a recent IDC study, there's a large lack of coding professionals that are able to use this language proficiently. Because HTML5 is still relatively young, it does have some growing to do before it's picked up by more developers, but it still holds abundant potential for the future of applications.

By using components within HTML5 and native processes, developers can write the features they want and be able to reach a variety of devices without an excessive amount of extra work involved. The IDC report predicted that HTML5 will burgeon over the next three years, with the language gaining substantial headway in the app development market. The language is expected to play a large part in hybrid development, allowing program creators to do more than ever. While HTML5 may not overtake native methods, Web-based approaches will help innovate app building for the foreseeable future.

"Many embraced HTML5 because 'the Web is popular and ubiquitous', many developers have invested heavily in web technologies for the last two decades, and due to the proliferation of open source projects attempting to satisfy the need for tools targeting this platform," InfoQ reported.

App development is getting more complicated as the mobile market continues to fragment. However, by using a hybrid approach, developers can expand their options and ensure that user needs are met.


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