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App complexity gives way to HTML5 development capabilities

Mobile software development is becoming necessary for business growth and to provide employees with the best tools to get their job done. However, the app building process is substantially more challenging and intensive than it may appear on the surface. There are numerous factors to consider and elements that need to be addressed to create a successful bring-your-own-device environment. Decision makers must ensure that they are including the right tools and capabilities for a useful mobile program.

Making a mobile application can seem simple due to how users interact with such software on a daily basis and the breadth of programs available. However, as ITWorld contributor Matthew Mombrea noted, the inconsistent nature of mobile devices, data connections and sensors bring more complexity into the equation. For example, if the program requires network connectivity, data connections are prone to failure due to their transience, bringing up mitigation needs that would not be present with Web or desktop software. These issues are significant as developers must work around them with component suites and broader programming languages.

"As new and better versions of iOS and Android are released, your application faces greater challenges for supporting both new and old versions of the system," Mombrea wrote. "Things that work great in one version may work terribly in another, or not at all. Depending on your audience requirements, it can take significant effort to account for the differences."

Solving mobile app development issues
Businesses have numerous choices to make when it comes to creating a successful mobile application, but it all starts with goals and what coding system will help achieve success. HTML5 development is quickly becoming a viable choice in the mobile race as it provides the cross-platform capability that other operating systems cannot. WhaTech noted that decision makers need to consider the potential profit from the platforms, what users need and emerging market trends. As more devices debut and product lines splinter into unique hardware, HTML5 will be most successful in ensuring that all employees can access their resources and leverage their software on whichever piece of equipment they choose.

"Building an app for business purpose requires money as well as time," WhaTech stated. "It is not necessary that you surely make a large investment to get an app develop for your business. Selecting a perfect platform will help you build an app in your budget."


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