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December 2011 Schedule

Last month of the year, and a short one with the holidays, but it's still going to be action packed for me. Here's what I'm up to: Central Ohio Day of .NET (12/10/2011, Hilliard, OH) Just one session here, but it's a fun one:

Building Windows 8 Applications with HTML 5 and jQuery One of the many new advances in Windows 8 is the ability to create Windows applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this session, we'll take a look at the Windows 8 technology stack on which these applications run, how HTML/CSS/JS apps actually run, and discuss the implications of the different ways to utilize third party libraries such as jQuery. We'll then migrate an MVC application which utilizes jQuery into a Metro-style application. By the end of this session, you'll have a solid idea of what it means to have a Metro-style application built with web technologies.

New York .NET Devs (12/15, New York, NY) Prior to this year, I had been to New York City twice in my entire life; this meeting will be my third trip this year. It has been a blast getting to know the NYC dev community, and exploring the city with some of the locals. Thanks to all my tour guides and dining partners, we'll do more "Dining with Dudley" in 2012. We are the meeting sponsors this month, and I get a little lightning session at the beginning. I'm excited about Becky Isserman's talk--I was an SPS 2003 and MOSS 2007 admin/dev (don't tell anyone, like my EDI experience, I don't put it on my resume), and I hated the extensibility model in both those versions. MOSS 2010 has made some nice improvements, and the rise of jQuery UI libraries (including our Wijmo jQuery UI widgets) have made web-based enhancements very attractive. Of course, the Silverlight extensibility brings a great deal of richness if you go that route, too. Very cool stuff. Happy Holidays to everyone, and I look forward to seeing a lot of old friends and making new ones in 2012!


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