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Speaker Bureau Profile: Craig Berntson

About the ComponentOne Speaker Bureau The purpose of the ComponentOne Speaker Bureau program is to provide Code Camps and user group meetings with qualified speakers. ComponentOne also wants to provide opportunities for public presentations by knowledgeable speakers to aid them in furthering their career interests. In this series of blog posts, we’ll profile the members of the ComponentOne Speaker bureau, and their talks. To schedule a speaker bureau member, contact Rich Dudley at Please supply your event location, dates the speaker is needed, and which talk(s) you are interested in. About Craig Craig Berntson is the Chief Software Gardener at Mojo Software Worx in Salt Lake City. He has a passion for community and helping other developers improve their skills. He has been a Microsoft MVP every year since 1996 and is currently a Visual C# MVP. Craig has spoken at developer events across the US, Canada, and Europe and is the co-author of "Continuous Integration in .NET" available from Manning. You can contact him at or find him on Twitter Current Talks How to Speak Good: Public Speaking for Computer Professionals

At some point, most of us have to speak in public, whether you need to speak to customers or coworkers or you desire to be a conference speaker. This session will help you get over your fears and get up in front of an audience. You will learn about creating the presentation, being on stage, handling questions, what to when things go wrong, and more. You will also learn lots of do's and don'ts for working with PowerPoint.

SOLID Object Oriented Design

SOLID is term that stands for five basic patterns of object-oriented programming and design. By using the principles, you are much more likely to create a system that more maintainable and extensible. SOLID can be used to remove code smells by refactoring. You will learn about the following SOLID principles: Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion.

Continuous Integration in .NET

Continuous Integration (CI) is a methodology where source code is continually built and tested, resulting in better quality applications in less time. This session provides an overview of CI and discusses the five principle concepts required in every CI system. You will come away with knowledge of how to select the right CI system for your shop and the steps to implement a basic CI system.

Static Code Analysis in .NET

Testing is an integral part of any application, but testing the executing code is only one way to verify it is correct. It's important to also analyze the code and compiled assemblies. In this session, you will learn how to use static code analysis tools to improve your code and catch bugs before you ship.

Introduction to Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design is used to reduce complexity in an application. Many people feel that it is only applicable to large, enterprise-wide applications. This view is far from the truth. You can use DDD concepts in every app you write. This presentation introduces you to DDD concepts. You will learn concepts that totally turn your design practices on their head, but you'll also see you already do many DDD concepts.

Software Gardening

Creating great software is not like construction. It's more like gardening. Great software needs to be nurtured, pruned, fertilized, and cared for. This session will give you tools, techniques, and practices to create great software.


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