Export to Excel - Site Can't Be Reached, Invalid Response

Posted by: rmills on 25 October 2017, 2:24 am EST

  • Posted 25 October 2017, 2:24 am EST

    I am using the HTML5 viewer, as defined in the HTML5 Viewer examples, using Javascript to instantiate the control (NOT the .NET control). I can export PDF, Images, Word Docs and everything with no problem. I can even export to Excel on smaller reports with no issues. When I try to export a larger report (~300) pages, using Excel, I get the following after about 10 seconds:

    The webpage at http://localhost:52822/ActiveReports.ar11?Token=9ada2d83-f6ba-49e0-8d1d-8a1e063f9e46&Command=Export&ExportType=Xls&Generation=1&Attachment=1 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

    Is there anything I can do (options, etc) that would allow this to create an Excel spreadsheet? Has anyone else seen this problem with the HTML5 example code?

    var viewer = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer({
                                element: '#viewerContainer',
                                options: [
                                    { multisheet: true }
                                report: {
                                    id: server_path.replace(/\\/g, '\\') + getParameterByName("uri"),
                                    parameters: [
                                            name: "Username",
                                            value: user_name
                                reportService: {
                                    url: 'ActiveReports.ReportService.asmx'
                                uiType: 'desktop',
                                documentLoaded: function reportLoaded()
                                error: function (error) {
  • Posted 26 October 2017, 12:28 am EST

    I’m sorry I couldn’t reproduce the issue on my side. I exported a report with 370 pages to excel from the Html5 Viewer and it exported just fine. Could you please specify the ActiveReports version you’re using and the type of report you have? Is it possible for your to attach your application and the report file (with data) so I can also reproduce the issue here and debug it.


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