C1flexgrid Sorting status

Posted by: downrader on 18 October 2017, 1:06 pm EST

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    Posted 18 October 2017, 1:06 pm EST


    1. binding datatable to c1flexgrid.
    2. Use the SORT function to sort the data…
    3. Modify the DATA. For example, the sorted results are:.


      1 A

      2 A

      3 A

      4 A

      5 B

      6 B

      7 B

      8 B

      9 C

      10 C

      11 C
    4. If the value of the second line A is changed to C, the automatic alignment function is operated by the line 9 and it is sorted.
    5. Is there a way to prevent automatic sorting like the above results?

      1 A

      2 C

      3 A

      4 A

      5 B

      6 B

      7 B

      8 B

      9 C

      10 C

      11 C

    Answers I’ll wait.

    Have a good day!!

  • Posted 22 October 2017, 10:37 pm EST


    In that case you may apply Multi-Column sorting, as follows:

     c1FlexGrid1.Sort(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.SortFlags.Ascending, 1,2);

    I have also uploaded a sample app. for your reference, that can be downloaded from: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a35pw3rae9dlg5q/prj_SortingStatusFlexGrid.zip?dl=0


    Ruchir Agarwal

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