Add CSS to a date/time input control on focus

Posted by: ken on 14 August 2018, 7:52 am EST

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    Posted 14 August 2018, 7:52 am EST

    I want to apply some styling to the parent wj-input-date / wj-input-time elements when their input is focused. Since IE and Edge don’t support :focus-within, I’m trying to do it programmatically, but I’m not sure how to add it to the element. Here’s what I have so far:


    <wj-input-date #startDate (initialized)="initDateTime(startDate)" [(value)]="data.startDate"></wj-input-date>
    <wj-input-time #startTime (initialized)="initDateTime(startTime)" [(value)]="data.startDate"></wj-input-time>


    .picker-focused {
        outline: none;
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #FF0000;


    initDateTime (control: WjInputDate | WjInputTime) {
        control.gotFocus.addHandler(() => {
            // add .picker-focused here
        control.lostFocus.addHandler(() => {
            // remove .picker-focused here

    How do I make this work? Or am I going about it wrong, and there’s a better way to apply the style on focus?

  • Posted 14 August 2018, 7:57 am EST

    Is it intentional that I can’t edit my post? Being able to fix or at least preview the code formatting would have been nice.

  • Posted 15 August 2018, 10:21 pm EST


    Wijmo adds .wj-state-focused class to the focused element, so you may use this class to style components on focus(works on both IE and Edge).

    Please refer to the following sample:-

    You may also do so via code however CSS is the recommended way.

    Please refer to the following code snippet:-

    	//access host element via hostElement property"seagreen"; 
    //remove the style on lost focus in similar way

    Regarding code formatting preview: We have escalated it to the concerned team.


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